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Camel 1.5.0 release

Unknown macro: {div}

Unknown macro: {div}

New and Noteworthy

Welcome to the 1.5.0 release which approx 266 issues resolved (new features, improvements and bug fixes such as...)

  • support for Guice for dependency injection along with a new Guice JMS Example
  • major improvements in FTP and [File] components
  • [File] consumers now default uses exclusive read locking when it consume files, meaning that they wont consume files that are in the progress of being written by third part. The FTP consumer has this support as well, however it is disabled by default as it requires write privileges.
  • [File] and FTP component supports expression to set dynamic filename patterns instead of using the FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME header. See File Language for samples and use cases.
  • important changes in ProducerTemplate (see below)
  • Exception Clause now supports marking exceptions as being handled so callers doesn't receive the caused exception, but you can set the response to return instead. This is a very important feature.
  • various improvements in Flatpack and XMPP components
  • minor improvements in CXF, SpringIntegration, HTTP, Mail and MINA components
  • minor improvements in Aggregator supporting a better fluent builder, etc.
  • Splitter now handles streaming avoiding reading entire content into memory (consuming very big 1gb files is now possible)
  • introduced new JT400, HL7, LDAP and Smooks components
  • introduced Delay Interceptor to slow down processing to show how things is happening nice and slow, so you are not bombarded with zillions of logging output.
  • Mail can now send html mails with the new contentType option
  • Camel Maven Archetypes now available in m2eclipse Maven project creation
  • Java WebStart support
  • refinements in loading resources using OSGi bundles, should now handle different OSGi platforms much better
  • Type Converter now supports Exchange as 2nd parameter to allow converters access to the Exchange and thus the CamelContext as well. To be used for setting encoding in the future.
  • New Loop api in DSL allows processing of a message a number of times, possibly in different ways.
  • Spring DSL improve
  • improved Tracer formatting and more options for configuration
  • improved support for all Endpoints, not just singletons in CamelContext.
  • minor tweaks to the Visualisation generator
  • IBM JDK support (notable exceptions)

New Enterprise Integration Patterns

New Components


  • Loop
  • Scala (work in progress, not fully feature complete)

New Annotations

New Data Formats

New Languages

New Examples

API breakings

  • ProducerTemplate now throws RuntimeCamelException for sendBody/requestBody methods.
  • DefaultTypeConverter.convertTo() now throws a NoTypeConversionAvailableException (RuntimeException) when it cannot find a suitable conversion (see Type Converter).
  • The addSingletonEndpoint() and removeSingletonEndpoint methods in CamelContext are now deprecated in favor of addEndpoint and removeEndpoint.

Known Issues

Important changes to consider when upgrading


The ProducerTemplate has refined its sendBody and requestBody methods to throw RuntimeCamelException, with the caused exception wrapper, in case the Exchange failed with an exception. Also if the exchange has set an FAULT message then the FAULT message is returned.

The old behavior in Camel 1.4 or older was just plain wrong!


Option usePlatformMBeanServer has changed its default value from false to true.
The naming convention for the JMX ObjectName}}s has changed. Camel now uses simpler, shorter {{ObjectName(s).


An implementation of TypeConverter should now throw a NoTypeConversionAvailableException if conversion is not possible. The semantical ambiguity of null (both valid result and indication of no conversion) is now resolved, but this may impact existing code in that it should now catch the exception instead of checking for null.

setHeader element in Spring DSL changed

You can no longer use a 'value' attribute like this to set a header to a constant:

  <from uri="seda:a"/>
  <setHeader headerName="theHeader" value="the value">
  <to uri="mock:b"/>     

Now, you can use a Constant expression to do the same thing:

  <from uri="seda:a"/>
  <setHeader headerName="theHeader">
    <constant>the value</constant>        
  <to uri="mock:b"/>     

Notice that this constant expression is also possible in the Java DSL:

.setHeader("theHeader", constant("the value"))

redeliveryPolicy specification in Spring DSL changed

Instead of


You now set redelivery policy settings with attributes

<redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="1" .../>

Data format specification in Spring DSL changed

The way you specify data formats in the Spring DSL has changed. You could do this in Camel 1.4:

<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="">
  <jaxb id="myJaxb" prettyPrint="true" contextPath="org.apache.camel.example"/>
  <xstream id="xs" prettyPrint="true"/>

    <from uri="direct:start"/>
    <marshal ref="myJaxb"/>
    <to uri="direct:marshalled"/>

Now, you specify the same as:

<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="">
    <jaxb id="myJaxb" prettyPrint="true" contextPath="org.apache.camel.example"/>
    <xstream id="xs" prettyPrint="true"/>

    <from uri="direct:start"/>
    <marshal ref="myJaxb"/>
    <to uri="direct:marshalled"/>

CXF Producer

The result of CXF producer has changed to use MessageContentsList instead of Object array to hold the response.
If you use the exchange.getOut.getBody(YourType.class), CXFMessage will check the list members and chose the most right answer for you.

CXF Producer before Camel 1.5

     Object[] oldResult = (Object[])oldExchange.getOut().getBody();
     BankQuote oldQuote = (BankQuote) oldResult[0];

CXF Produer in Camel 1.5

     BankQuote oldQuote = oldExchange.getOut().getBody(BankQuote.class);

Now the CXF Producer(in Camel 1.5) will throw the exception after the CXF client gets the exception, in this way you can leverage the Camel errorHandler for handling the exception.
If you don't want camel redeliver the message when your producer got the common SOAP fault, specially you are using CXF producer and CXF consumer as a proxy, you'd better override the Camel default errorHandler.

You can do it with DSL

     protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() {
        return new RouteBuilder() {
            public void configure() {

Or Spring

   <cxf:cxfEndpoint id="routerEndpoint" address="http://localhost:9003/CamelContext/RouterPort"

   <cxf:cxfEndpoint id="serviceEndpoint" address="http://localhost:9000/SoapContext/SoapPort"
    	xmlns:s="" />

   <camelContext id="camel" xmlns="">
    <route errorHandlerRef="noErrorHandler">
      <from uri="cxf:bean:routerEndpoint" />
      <to uri="cxf:bean:serviceEndpoint" />

   <bean id="noErrorHandler" class="org.apache.camel.builder.NoErrorHandlerBuilder"/>

FTP component

The option consumer.recursive has changed the default value from true to false.

Now throws FtpOperationFailedException with the FTP error code and reason. For instance error code 530 is not authorized. This applies for both consumer and producer. The consumer will now also regard failing move or rename operations as a severe error throw a FtpOperationFailedException instead of WARN logging. As a consumer you will not receive an Exchange, as opposed to the situation in Camel 1.4.0. Bottom line: all the FTP operations should succeed before the consumer will process the Exchange.

File Consumer

The option consumer.recursive has changed the default value from true to false.

Http Producer

Now the http producer will throw a HttpOperationFailedException if the response code is not 1xx or 2xx. You can get the status code, status line and location for the exception.
In the Camel < 1.5.0 , http producer does not check the response code and puts the response message into the out message.

Http producer has better algorithm to compute if either GET or POST should be used.


In Camel 1.5 the sync option has changed its default value from false to true, as we felt it was confusing for end-users when they used Mina to call remote servers and Camel wouldn't wait for the response. To remedy this you had to add the sync=true option before it worked, we want this to work out-of-the-box without having to specify this option.


In Camel 1.5 the following default options has changed in camel-mail:

  • deleteProcessedMessages is now false as we felt Camel should not delete mails on the mail server by default.
  • processOnlyUnseenMessages is now true as we felt Camel should only poll new mails by default.

removeOutHeader DSL method removed

Since any exchange coming into the removeOutHeader processor would have an IN message only, this method was useless and so was removed.

Aggregator and AggregationCollection

The AggregationCollection used by Aggregator is changed to an interface instead of a class. This allows end-users to provide their own collections that isn't a subclass of the default. The old AggregationCollection class is renamed to DefaultAggregationCollection.

Aggregator must be configured directly on the consumer:

  • This is valid: from("foo").aggregate("bar")
  • This is not valid: from("foo").setHeader("id").aggreagate("bar")
    See known issues.

[Event] component

The event name (scheme) has been renamed to spring-event

Getting the Distributions

Binary Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Windows Distribution

Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution



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The above URLs use the Apache Mirror system to redirect you to a suitable mirror for your download. Some users have experienced issues with some versions of browsers (e.g. some Safari browsers). If the download doesn't seem to work for you from the above URL then try using FireFox

Source Distributions


Download Link

PGP Signature file of download

Source for Windows

Source for Unix/Linux/Cygwin



Getting the Binaries using Maven 2

To use this release in your maven project, the proper dependency configuration that you should use in your Maven POM is:


SVN Tag Checkout

svn co


For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see:

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