• Keith and Phil have been intermittently continuing work on the Transport API refactoring (PROTON-225) for Proton-J.
    • They have nearly finished the Java changes.
    • Corresponding changes will also need to be made to the JNI classes and their Swig file.
  • Ken has been working on a demo based on Messenger.
    • The goal is to build a simple RPC client/server that will operate over an unreliable mesh of dispatch-routers. The goal is to achieve "exactly once" message delivery using only the messenger api (at the clients), over an unreliable multi-hop mesh of amqp "routers".
    • To be clear - the routers offer no persistence, they merely forward the message and propagate back the delivery status (see qpid/extras/dispatch/router source code for all the gory details).
    • In doing this we hope to identify any weaknesses or missing features in the current api or documentation for messenger.
    • See the fortune directory in https://github.com/kgiusti/proton-tools
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    • Keith and I have been intermittently continuing work on the Transport API refactoring (PROTON-225) for Proton-J.
      **We have nearly finished the Java changes.
      • Corresponding changes will also need to be made to the JNI classes and their Swig file. We have not started these yet.
  1. I've been working on a demo based on Messenger. The goal is to build a simple RPC client/server that will operate over an unreliable mesh of dispatch-routers. The goal is to achieve "exactly once" message delivery using only the messenger api (at the clients), over an unreliable multi-hop mesh of amqp "routers". To be clear - the routers offer no persistence, they merely forward the message and propagate back the delivery status (see qpid/extras/dispatch/router source code for all the gory details).

    In doing this I hope to identify any weaknesses or missing features in the current api or documentation for messenger.

    For now the client code is available on github - see the fortune directory in https://github.com/kgiusti/proton-tools