The project has two websites which require migration and update. Let's use this wiki page for planning.
- is a markdown site in the Apache CMS.
- Needs redesign like new banner and change from left navigation.
- Not complex.
- Probably makes sense to migrate some of the developer resources on like Java docs, UNO etc to this site.
- is our premier user / marketing site. It has complexities which can be handled it was moved as a port in December 2011 with minimal change.
- Template uses SSI to handle consistent banner, top navigation, and translation of several elements.
- 100 native language websites - some maintained and more not maintained. Some have unusual encoding.
- Download pages have a unique and special structure.
- The why pages are translated, but ...
- All the legacy pages are in an original html that is reformatted by the CMS. These pages should be discarded or transformed during migration.
Suggested approach.
- Design new site layout.
- Create new layout from the design.
- Identify rationale about what is
- Dropped.
- Rewritten manually.
- (de)
from the de-pages the following sub pages should be taken over (and manually rewritten):
in addition, there must be new local pages for marketing, e.g. for downloading German-language marketing material (press kit, flyers, ...) and for announcing local dates (trade fairs and other events)
- (de)
- Copied from the html.
- Copied from the MediaWiki as mdtext.