SCA Assembly Spec Driven Scenarios (vtest)
extensions |
reference |
service |
properties |
conversation |
callback |
OneWay |
Policy |
implementation-bpel-ode |
implementation-ejb |
implementation-java |
implementation-notification |
implementation-osgi |
implementation-resource |
implementation-script |
implementation-spring |
implementation-web |
implementation-widget |
implementation-xquery |
extensions |
reference |
service |
conversation |
callback |
Targetable |
Local Wire |
Policy(any support) |
SpecialInterface |
OneWay |
PassByRef |
binding-atom-abdera |
Y |
N |
N/A |
binding-corba |
N |
N |
N/A |
binding-dwr |
N |
N |
N/A |
binding-ejb |
N |
Y |
N/A |
binding-gdata |
Y |
N |
Y? |
binding-http |
Y |
N |
N/A |
binding-jms |
N |
Y |
Y? |
binding-jsonrpc |
N |
N |
N/A |
binding-notification |
binding-rmi |
N |
Y |
binding-rss-rome |
Y |
N |
N/A |
binding-sca |
N |
N |
Y |
binding-sca-axis2 |
N |
N |
binding-sca-corba |
N |
binding-ws-axis2 |
N |
Y |
Y? |
Tuscany Feature Driven Scenarios (itest)
Some links to scenarios we already have spread around the place. I'd like to see us migrate the scenarios that work into the user guide and those are a requirement and are outstanding should become wish JIRA.
Web2.0 Scenarios
Spring Scenarios Spring Scenarios
Databinding scenarios Databinding Scope
Policy Model ScenariosPolicy Model Scenarios
Policy Security Scenarios Policy
JMS Scenarios JMS Scenarios
User Level Scenarios (itest/demo/tutorial)
Building a stand alone service
Building a stand alone web app
Integration with Web2.0 style UI
Aggregate multiple services into new ones
Integration with existing, non-sca, services
Reusing services
Rewiring services
Integration with non Java SCA runtimes.
A statically configured distributed application as an SOA
Starting and stopping parts of an SOA
Secure messaging between selected services
Mediation and routing between services
Balance load across multiple identical running services
Tolerate service failure