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This document provides:

  • Information on adding new Committers/PPMC members to Apache Juneau.

Before approving membership, it's assumed that the person has actively contributed through this process:

Once it's been shown that the member submits good work, the team can invite them to be a full member.

The Apache Juneau team does not differentiate between Committers and PPMC members.  However, PPMC membership must undergo an additional lazy consensus vote to the IPMC to become official.

Any member of the PPMC can propose a new member of the PPMC. The proposal should be discussed in private on the PPMC private alias:

[DISCUSS] Joe Bob PPMC membership

I'd like to discuss adding Joe Bob as a PPMC member.

State reason why.

If there is consensus that the proposed member is suitable, then there should be a formal vote in the PPMC private alias:

[VOTE] Joe Bob PPMC membership

I'm pleased to be calling this vote for inviting Joe Bob to be a member of the Juneau PPMC.

This vote will be open at least until 04-May-2016 1:30pm and passes if a majority of at least three +1 Apache Juneau PPMC votes are cast. 
(needs to be at least 72 weekday hours)

[ ] +1 Approve invitation
[ ] 0 I don't feel strongly about it, but don't object 
[ ] -1 Do not approve invitation because...

State reason why.

If the vote is successful, the proposer should send a message to the PPMC private alias.

[VOTE][RESULT] Joe Bob PPMC membership

Voting for PPMC membership for Joe Bob is now closed. The vote has passed with the following tally:

John Smith, PPMC, +1

The message id of the [VOTE][RESULT] message should be preserved for notifying the Incubator PMC. 

The nominating PPMC member should send a message to the IPMC ( with a reference to the vote result's message id of the following form:

New member of Juneau PPMC Joe Bob

Joe Bob has been voted as a new member of the Juneau PPMC.

The vote result is at: <reference to RESULT VOTE above>

It should noted that there is a grace period of 72 hours from when the above NOTICE is sent to the Incubator PMC to when the proposed member is formally invited. This is an important part of the overall process. Failure to do this can result in an embarassing situation for people involved.

After 72 hours, Joe Bob should be invited to join the PPMC, using a sample message like this:

Dear Joe Bob

In recognition of your demonstrated commitment to, and alignment with, the
goals of the Apache Juneau project, the Juneau PPMC has voted to offer you
membership in the Juneau PPMC ("Podling Project Management Committee").

Please let us know if you accept by subscribing to the private alias [by
sending mail to], and posting 
a message to

The PPMC is the Incubator podling version of a project PMC ("Project
Management Committee") that for every top-level project is tasked by the
Apache Board of Directors with official oversight and binding votes in
that project.  When Juneau graduates from the Incubator to a top-level
project, the project PMC is usually formed from the membership of the PPMC.
Note that while participation in the PMC after graduation is not
guaranteed, simply continuing your constructive and active participation
is usually sufficient.

As a PPMC member, and later as a PMC member, you are responsible for
continuing the general project, code, and community oversight that you
have exhibited so far.  The votes of the PPMC are not legally binding;
votes of the Incubator PMC are.  However, many of the PPMC members
are also Incubator PMC members, so they implicitly cast binding votes
when we vote on PPMC issues.  While this is an important legal
distinction, it shouldn't enter your thinking when working on the PPMC -
members should treat every decision as if it were legally binding for the ASF.  
Also, in day-to-day activities, the Incubator PMC member vs PPMC member
distinction should be invisible -- we are peers.

All PPMC members are subscribed to the project's private mail list, which 
is used to discuss issues unsuitable for an open, public forum, such as
people issues (e.g. new committers, problematic community members, etc.),
security issues, and the like.  It can't be emphasized enough that
care should be taken to minimize the use of the private list, discussing
everything possible on the appropriate public list.

The private PPMC list is *private* - it is strictly for the use of the
PPMC. Messages are not to be forwarded to anyone else without the express
permission of the PPMC. Also note that any Member of the Foundation has
the right to review and participate in any PPMC or PMC list, as a PMC 
and PPMC are acting on behalf of the Membership.

Finally, the PPMC (and assuming graduation, the PMC) is not meant to create 
a hierarchy within the committership or the community.  In fact, a goal is to
add all committers over time to the PPMC/PMC, as our belief is that those who
do the work should get a binding vote.  Therefore, in our day-to-day
interactions with the rest of the community, we continue to interact as
peers, where every reasonable opinion is considered, and all community
members are invited to participate in our public voting.  If there ever
is a situation where the PMC/PPMC's view differs significantly from that 
of the rest of the community, this is a symptom of a problem that needs to
be addressed.

With the expectation of your acceptance, welcome!

The Apache Juneau PPMC

p.s. Additional information on PPMC membership information here:
Once the proposed member has accepted, the moderator for the PPMC mail alias will accept the new member's subscription request.

The nominating member should also update the PPMC membership section of the Podling's status file. For projects which choose to always make new committers also PPMC members, simply updating the committer list and ensuring that a statement such as "The PPMC consists of all the committers and mentors listed here" is generally sufficient.

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