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4.1. Console and Commands


Karaf provides a powerful console and a set of commands that can be used to perform various tasks. Commands can be located in the root shell or in a sub-shell. A sub-shell is a group of related commands, like commands related to the OSGi framework or the log system.

The following shells are available out-of-the-box, but the console can be easily extended:

Root shell


The help method is one of the most usefull method to get you started. Without any parameters, the command will display the list of available commands.
You can also access the help from a subshell by launching help osgi for example.
You can access the help from a command by launching help clear or for a sub-shell command: help osgi/list or osgi/list --help.


If ran from the local console, Karaf will be stopped. If ran from a remote console, the remote shell will be terminated, but the Karaf remote instance will not be terminated.


When inside a subshell, the .. command will exit this subshell and go back to the parent shell.

For example:

smx@root:/> log
smx@root:log> help
Available commands:
  display            Display log entries.
  display-exception  Display the last exception from the log.
  get                Show log level.
  set                Set log level.
  d                  Link to: log/display
  de                 Link to: log/display-exception
smx@root:log> ..


This command displays a bunch of information relative to the Karaf and the JVM. These informations are also available from the JMX console included in the JRE.

Admin shell

Features shell

The features shell contains a few commands to provision entire applications easily.
More information is available on the chapter 4.6. Provisioning.

Log shell

The log shell contains a few commands to display the log entries, retrieve or change the log levels:

smx@root:/> help log
  display            Display log entries.
  display-exception  Display the last exception from the log.
  get                Show log level.
  set                Set log level.
  d                  Link to: log/display
  de                 Link to: log/display-exception

See the documentation on the logging system for more informations.

OBR shell

OBR (OSGi Bundle Repository) is a proposed specification that defines an xml format for repositories of OSGi bundles and an associated service to access it. Karaf proposes a number of commands that can be used to deal with such repositories.

Note that this feature is not installed by default. To install it, you must run the following command:

smx@root:/> features/install obr
servicemix> help obr

Available commands in obr:
  addUrl                Add a list of repository URLs to the repository service
  deploy                Deploy
  info                  Display the meta-data for the specified bundles.
  list                  List
  listUrl               Display the repository URLs currently associated with the repository service.
  removeUrl             Remove a list of repository URLs from the repository service
  source                Source
  start                 Start

OSGi shell

The OSGi sub-shell provides commands for managing the OSGi framework: listing OSGi bundles, services, managing bundle lifecycles.
Look at the online help (launch osgi help command) for more informations.

smx@root:/> help osgi

Available commands in osgi:
  bundle-level          Get or set the start level of a given bundle
  headers               Display headers
  install               Install bundle
  list                  List bundles
  ls                    List services
  refresh               Refresh bundle
  update                Update bundle
  resolve               Resolve bundle
  shutdown              Shutdown
  start                 Start bundle
  start-level           Get or set the start level
  stop                  Stop bundle
  uninstall             Uninstall bundle

Remote shell

Standard commands


cat mvn:org.apache.servicemix/servicemix/3.2.1/pom


ld | grep error


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