Steps to release the next project

Step-by-step guide

  1. Create branch Release_x.y in our repo.
  2. Remove all code not ready for release (especially all of experiments)
  3. Adapt CMakelist.txt files to reflect the removals
  4. Build and test code, preferable on all platforms
  5. Update THANKS file along with (if needed) NOTICES and LICENSES (remark do not change those lightly!!)
  6. Update
  7. Copy build instructions from Wiki and add as
  8. Clone branch in new directory, remove .git and make zip file (name:
  9. Sign release with your apache key (pgp -ba
  10. Generate SHA5 and MD5 checksums (name corinthia_release_x.y_incubating.<checksum>)
  11. create a directory Release_x.y in
  12. add .zip, .asc, .sha5, .md5 to directory and commit (svn)
  13. Call PRE-VOTE (min. 7 days) to allow all PPMC to test the release (without having to rerun the vote)
  14. Make changes to Release_x.y branch as required, remember to do it in parallel on master, and generate/commit new files
  15. When everybody is happy with the release candidate, call for a Release vote (no veto, min. 72 hours).
  16. Summarize the vote
  17. Call for a IPMC vote (needed 3 +1 binding and no -1)
  18. Summarize IPMC vote and hopefully celebrate


this is the official policy we follow:

These are helpers to describe how to handle the above: