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Rewrite rules in Apache Knox can be difficult to follow if you are just starting to use Apache Knox, this blog tries to cover the basics of Apache Knox rewrite rules and then go in depth and talk about more advanced rules and how to use them. This blog builds upon the Adding a service to Apache Knox by Kevin Minder

Rules are defined in the rewrite.xml file, an example is:

  <rule dir="IN" name="WEATHER/weather/inbound" pattern="*://*:*/**/weather/{path=**}?{**}">
    <rewrite template="{$serviceUrl[WEATHER]}/{path=**}?{**}"/>

Simple service rule

A sample service.xml entry

<service role="WEATHER" name="weather" version="0.0.1">
    <route path="/weather/**"/>

service.xml file defines the high level URL pattern that will be exposed by the gateway for a service.

<service role="WEATHER">
  • The role/implementation/version triad is used through Knox for integration plugins.
  • Think of the role as an interface in Java.
  • This attribute declares what role this service “implements”.
  • This will need to match the topology file’s <topology><service><role> for this service.

<service name="weather">
  • In the role/implementation/version triad this is the implementation.
  • Think of this as a Java implementation class name relative to an interface.
  • As a matter of convention this should match the directory beneath <GATEWAY_HOME>/data/services
  • The topology file can optionally contain <topology><service><name> but usually doesn’t. This would be used to select a specific implementation of a role if there were multiple.

<service version="0.0.1">
  • As a matter of convention this should match the directory beneath the service implementation name.
  • The topology file can optionally contain <topology><service><version> but usually doesn’t. This would be used to select a specific version of an implementation there were multiple. This can be important if the protocols for a service evolve over time.


<service><routes><route path="/weather/**"></routes></service>
  • This tells the gateway that all requests starting starting with /weather/ are handled by this service.
  • Due to a limitation this will not include requests to /weather (i.e. no trailing /)
  • The ** means zero or more paths similar to Ant.
  • The scheme, host, port, gateway and topology components are not included (e.g. https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox)
  • Routes can, but typically don’t, take query parameters into account.
  • In this simple form there is no direct relationship between the route path and the rewrite rules!

Simple rewrite rules



<rules><rule pattern="*://*:*/**/weather/{path=**}?{**}"/></rules>
  • Defines the URL pattern for which this rule will apply.
  • The * matches exactly one segment of the URL.
  • The ** matches zero or more segments of the URL.
  • The {path=**} matches zero or more path segments and provides access them as a parameter named 'path’.
  • The {**} matches zero or more query parameters and provides access to them by name.
  • The values from matched {…} segments are “consumed” by the rewrite template below.

<rules><rule><rewrite template="{$serviceUrl[WEATHER]}/{path=**}?{**}"/></rules>
  • Defines how the URL matched by the rule will be rewritten.
  • The $serviceUrl[WEATHER]} looks up the <service><url> for the <service><role>WEATHER. This is a implemented as rewrite function and is another custom extension point.
  • The {path=**} extracts zero or more values for the 'path’ parameter from the matched URL.
  • The {**} extracts any “unused” parameters and uses them as query parameters.


Rewrite rules can be applied to inbound (requests going to the Gateway - from browser, curl etc.) or outbound (response going from the Gateway towards browser) requests/responses. The direction is indicated by the "dir" attribute

<rule dir="IN">

The possible values are IN and OUT for inbound and outbound requests.



Flows are the logical AND, OR, ALL operators on the rules. So, a rewrite rule could match a pattern A OR pattern B, a rule could match a pattern A AND pattern B, a rule could match ALL the given patterns.

Valid flow values are:

  • OR
  • AND
  • ALL

e.g. OR (match )

<rule name="test-rule-with-complex-flow" flow="OR">
    <match pattern="*://*:*/~/{path=**}?{**}">
        <rewrite template="test-scheme-output://test-host-output:777/test-path-output/test-home/{path}?{**}"/>
    <match pattern="*://*:*/{path=**}?{**}">
        <rewrite template="test-scheme-output://test-host-output:42/test-path-output/{path}?{**}"/>


Rewrite Variables

These variables can be used with the rewrite function.


  • $serviceUrl[SERVICE_NAME]  - looks up the <service><url> for the <service><role>SERVICE_NAME


  • $frontend[path] - Gets the Knox path i.e. /gateway/sandbox/


  • $import - This function enhances the $frontend function by adding '@import' prefix to the $frontend path. e.g.

    <rewrite template="{$import[&quot;, url]}/stylesheets/pretty.css&quot;;"/>

    . It takes following parameters as options:


  • $username - This variable is used when we need to get the impersonated principal name (primary principal in case impersonated principal is absent).

    <rewrite template="test-output-scheme://{host}:{port}/test-output-path/{path=**}?{$username}?{**}?test-query-output-name=test-query-output-value"/>


  • $prefix - This function enhances the $frontend function just like $import but gives the ability to choose a prefix (unlike a constant @import in case of $import) e.g.

    <rewrite template="{$prefix[&#39;,url]}/zeppelin/components/{**}?{**}"/>
    • $prefix[PREFIX, url] - Adds a supplied PREFIX to the frontend url, e.g. in above case the rewritten url would be 'https://localhost:8443/

      zeppelin/components/navbar/navbar.html?v=1498928142479' (mind the single tick ' )


  • $postfix - Just like prefix, postfix function is used to append a character or string to the gateway url (including topology path)

  • usage - {$postfix[url,<customString>]}

    <rewrite template="{scheme}://{host}:{port}/{gateway}/{knoxsso}/{api}/{v1}/{websso}?originalUrl={$postfix[url,/sparkhistory/]}"/>


  • $infix - This function is used to used to append custom prefix and postfix
  • usage - {$infix[<customString>,url,<customString>]}

    <rewrite template="{scheme}://{host}:{port}/{gateway}/{sandbox}/?query={$infix[&#39;,url,/sparkhistory/&#39;]}"/>


The purpose of the Hostmap provider is to handle situations where host are known by one name within the cluster and another name externally. This frequently occurs when virtual machines are used and in particular when using cloud hosting services. Currently, the Hostmap provider is configured as part of the topology file.

For more information see knox user guide

Rewrite rule example:

  <rewrite template="{gateway.url}/hdfs/logs?{scheme}?host={$hostmap(host)}?{port}?{**}"/>

Topology declaration example


Rules Filter

Sometimes you want the ability to rewrite the *.js, *.css and other non-html pages. FIlters are a way to rewrite these non-html files. FIlters are based on the content-type of the page.

These are the different types of filters that are supported by Apache Knox.

There are three declarations needed for filters, 

  1. Filter declaration, the Content-Type and the pattern to apply the filter to - rewrite.xml
  2. Rewrite rule to apply to matched patter - rewrite.xml
  3. Path to apply the filter to and to be applied on response or request body - service.xml

The is an example of Filters used in Proxying Zeppelin UI, the relevant code snippets in rewrite.xml and service.xml files are:

  <!-- Filters -->
  <rule dir="OUT" name="ZEPPELINUI/zeppelin/outbound/javascript/filter/app/home" >
    <rewrite template="{$frontend[path]}/zeppelin/app/home/home.html"/>
  <rule dir="OUT" name="ZEPPELINUI/zeppelin/outbound/javascript/filter/app/notebook" >
    <rewrite template="{$frontend[path]}/zeppelin/app/notebook/notebook.html"/>
  <rule dir="OUT" name="ZEPPELINUI/zeppelin/outbound/javascript/filter/app/jobmanager" >
    <rewrite template="{$frontend[path]}/zeppelin/app/jobmanager/jobmanager.html"/>
  <filter name="ZEPPELINUI/zeppelin/outbound/javascript/filter">
          <content type="application/javascript">
              <apply path="app/home/home.html" rule="ZEPPELINUI/zeppelin/outbound/javascript/filter/app/home"/>
              <apply path="app/notebook/notebook.html" rule="ZEPPELINUI/zeppelin/outbound/javascript/filter/app/notebook"/>
              <apply path="app/jobmanager/jobmanager.html" rule="ZEPPELINUI/zeppelin/outbound/javascript/filter/app/jobmanager"/>
    <!-- Filter -->
    <route path="/zeppelin/scripts/**">
      <rewrite apply="ZEPPELINUI/zeppelin/outbound/javascript/filter" to="response.body"/>

A good example of how to use the filters is Proxying a UI using Knox.

Following are the different types of Content-Types supported by Apache Knox.

Form URL Rewrite Filter

Uses Content-Type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "*/x-www-form-urlencoded"

HTML URL Rewrite Filter

Uses Content-Type "application/html", "text/html", "*/html"

JavaScript URL Rewrite Filter

Uses Content-Type "application/javascript", "text/javascript", "*/javascript", "application/x-javascript", "text/x-javascript", "*/x-javascript"

JSON URL Rewrite FIlter

Uses Content-Type "application/json", "text/json", "*/json"

XML URL Rewrite FIlter

Uses Content-Type "application/xml", "text/xml", "*/xml"


Pattern Matching

Pattern matching for Knox unfortunately does not match the standard Regex format. Following is how pattern matching works in some of the cases

URL Templates


  • {path} => {path=*}
  • {path=*} // Match single path level. (ie wildcard)
  • {path=**} // Match multiple path levels. (ie glob)
  • {path=*.ext} // Match single level with simplified regex pattern.


  • {queryParam}
  • {queryParam=*} => {queryParam=*:queryParam} // Match single queryParam value.
  • {queryParam=**} => {queryParam=**:queryParam} // Match multiple queryParam values.
  • {queryParam=*suffix:other-queryParam}

URI Parser*

The following format is used for parsing URIs

      12            3  4          5       6  7        8 9

The numbers in the second line above are only to assist readability;  they indicate the reference points for each subexpression (i.e., each paired parenthesis).  We refer to the value matched for subexpression  <n> as $<n>.  For example, matching the above expression to results in the following subexpression matches:

      $1 = http:
      $2 = http
      $3 = //
      $4 =
      $5 = /pub/ietf/uri/
      $6 = <undefined>
      $7 = <undefined>
      $8 = #Related
      $9 = Related

where <undefined> indicates that the component is not present, as is the case for the query component in the above example.  Therefore, we  can determine the value of the five components as

      scheme    = $2

      authority = $4

      path      = $5

      query     = $7

      fragment  = $9


JSON Parsing

For parsing JSON documents Knox uses JSONPATH



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