Just a few rough notes - please add your updates/corrections - see also https://diversity.apache.org/
How do we continue these BOF conversation in the future? Slack or mailing list - opinions on both sides.
- Add channel to ApacheCon or Apache slacks: TBD
- Use the existing mailing list: https://diversity.apache.org/#contribute or use dev@diversity.apache.org read the archive: https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@diversity.apache.org
How do we make people (of any background/type/culture/language) feel welcome?
- Lot of discussion about being very inclusive in various perspectives.
- Ideas: how can we ensure that projects provide at least some way ot translate their projects, so that non-native English speakers can feel more comfortable to get started.
- Idea: use good-first-issue tags on various issues/roadmaps, signposting easy places new contributors could join.
- Existing kinds of tags in other projects: https://goodfirstissue.dev/ https://goodfirstissues.com/ and various other places on github like: https://github.com/topics/good-first-issue
- Are there other kinds of tags that would be useful, like docs-wanted, or editing-wanted, or the like?
- How can we make it easier for various ASF projects to adopt these kinds of tags? Each community is a separate one, so we need really simple ways to explain to them how to do this, why it's important, and how easy it can be.
- Idea: how can the ASF as a whole better showcase the projects that do actually actively reach out for new people, that have good-first-issue tags, etc. - projects that are truly welcoming and want to find newcomers. How can we create a simple "these ASF projects are welcoming, try them!" page? How can we - in an organized fashion - do a better job of sharing the good examples of inclusion with other projects that might not quite do as good a job? How do we make it easy for a PMC to understand the importance, and then take a few simple but concrete steps to make incremental improvements?