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Today we observe more and more dynamic neural network models, especially in the fields of natural language processing and graph analysis. The dynamics in these models come from multiple sources, including:

  • Models are expressed with control flow, such as conditions and loops;
  • NDArrays in a model may have dynamic shapes, meaning the NDArrays of a model or some of the NDArrays have different shapes for different batches;
  • Models may want to use more dynamic data structures, such as lists or dictionaries.
  • ...

It's natural to express the dynamic models in frameworks with the imperative programming interface (e.g., Gluon, Python, TensorFlow Eager). e.g., users can simply use Python control flows, or NDArrays with any shape at any moment, or use Python lists and dictionaries to store data as they want.

However, this approach has an obvious problem. That is, it highly depends on the front-end programming languages (mainly Python). A model implemented in one language can only run in the same language. A common use case is that machine learning scientists want to develop their models in Python but engineers who deploy the models usually have to use a different language (e.g., Java and C). Gluon tries to close the gap between the model development and deployment. Machine learning scientists design and implement their models in Python with the imperative interface and Gluon can turn the implementations into symbolic implementations by simply invoking hybridize() for model exporting. However, the current implementation of Gluon hybridization can't support dynamic models as I listed above.

This project is to address some of these limitations in Gluon. Overall, the goal of the project is to turn a dynamic neural network into a static computation graph (where the dynamic control flows are expressed by control flow operators) with Gluon hybridization and export them for deployment.

An additional benefit of this work is to improve the speed for both training and inference for dynamic models. Expressing all computation in a graph and executing the computation in the backend saves the Python execution overhead. More importantly, expressing all computation in a graph is an important step for many optimizations. For example, we can handle variable-length sequences efficiently by avoiding any unnecessary computation (this can be more efficient than bucketing). We can also integrate with TVM to accelerate the models by identifying the static part of the computation and using TVM to compile the static computation for acceleration.

Supporting dynamic features listed above require fundamental modification in the MXNet backend. As such, we'll take an incremental approach and support these features one by one. Currently, our plan is to to support control flow and dynamic shapes in Gluon. This project will take four steps:

  • Add imperative and symbolic control flow operators to MXNet to switch between imperative and symbolic implementations in Gluon. Currently, we'll add three control flow operators: ``ifelse’’, ``foreach’’ and ``while_loop’’. This proposal covers the detailed description of these operator APIs and their implementations.
  • Support operators that don't allow static shape. This happens in multiple cases: boolean index returns an NDArray whose shape depends on the values in the input NDArray; while_loop returns NDArrays whose shapes depend on the computation in the loop; a handful of operators can potentially be extended to return arrays whose shapes depend on the input shape symbol.
  • We can go a step further by adding support for building static graphs directly from any Gluon models with Python control flow. As such, we can export any models implementations in Gluon. This step requires to use the Python parser to reconstruct Python code to turn Python control flow into the code using MXNet control flow operators. While reconstructing the code, we need to analyze the liveness of Python variables and distinguish output variables of the loop and the variables carried over to the next iteration. This task will be exploratory. It might be difficult to handle all Python code.
  • To use TVM to compile and optimize dynamic models. Flow control operators understand the computation flow. It can reorganize subgraphs (e.g., the ones in the loop) and pass them to TVM for compilation to achieve better performance.


There are two possible approaches of implementing the control flow operators.

Approach 1: The first approach is to stitch the computation graph in the user-defined functions with the main graph and insert some special operators in the graph to change the executor behavior (e.g., avoid executing a sequence of operators, repeat execution of a sequence of operators). These special operators resembles the jump instruction in CPU. TensorFlow adopts this approach. Its implementation can be found in

Approach 2: The second approach is to maintain multiple computation graphs. There is a main graph that contains the control flow operators. Each control flow operator contains its own computation graph and is responsible for executing computation graphs inside the operator. This approach is more like how a high-level programming language handles control flows (a piece of code is broken into basic block for compilation and execution).

Both approaches have their pros and cons. I think the second approach will be preferred in MXNet because the execution of MXNet is more static than TensorFlow (e.g., MXNet requires static shape and data type inference and static memory planning). The second approach also allows easier graph reconstruction for optimization. From here on, I'll discuss the second approach in more details.

The first step for approach 2 is to build the subgraph in the user-defined functions of a control flow operator and pass them to the operator. Below I'll use ``foreach’’ as an example to describe the implementation of a symbolic control flow operator.

Building a subgraph: a control flow operator invokes the user-defined functions (UDFs) once to create a computation subgraph. The subgraph of ``foreach’’ has four sets of inputs: slices from the input arrays we iterate over, the states from the previous iteration or the initial states, the variables outside the UDF and the variables defined inside the UDF. The initial states and the variables defined outside the UDF reference to the symbols in the main graph and, thus, connect the subgraph in the UDF with the main graph. However, the main graph and the subgraph have to be completely disjoint (otherwise, stateful operators may have different behaviors). To build a completely separate graph, we create new variable symbols to replace the ones in ``state'' and in the closure. It's easy to find the symbols passed in as ``state''. However, it's more difficult to identify the symbols in the closure and the ones defined inside the UDF, which aren't the inputs of the control flow operator.

  • For symbols in the closure, we perform a graph transformation. When we create a computation graph from the user-defined function, we mark the nodes with a special label. Then we traverse the nodes in the computation graph to find the unmarked nodes, which are the ones not created in the UDF. We remove the nodes from the computation graph and create new symbols to reference them. Later on, we pass the output of the original nodes to the control flow operator as its inputs.
  • For symbols defined inside the UDF, we make a copy of the original symbols and pass them to the control flow operator as inputs.

Pass the subgraph to a control flow operator: The previous process creates a symbol that represent the computation graph in the user-defined function. Now we need pass it to the operator as a graph. By default, NNVM interprets input symbols of an operator as input data (see Symbol::Compose in NNVM) and use them to build connections between nodes, which results in a computation graph. To pass a symbol as a subgraph to an operator, we need to distinguish the graph symbols from the data symbols in Symbol::Compose. We create a new operator attribute (FInputGraph) to identify the graph symbols in the inputs of an operator. Once a graph symbol is spotted, nnvm stores it in NodeAttrs of the created node.

Shape and type inference:

  • shape and type inference on ``foreach'' is easy. Because the input shapes and types in each iteration is the same, we only need to infer the subgraph once. After having the shape and the type of the output of the subgraph, we can easily calculate the shape and the type of the output of ``foreach''.
  • If we require the outputs of if_fun and else_func have the same shape and data type, the shape and type inference can also be simple.
  • We can't perform static shape inference on ``while_loop'' because the shape of its output arrays depends on the number of iterations governed by the condition subgraph. As such, we need to extend MXNet to support dynamic shape inference.

Forward and backward execution: forward/backward computation of a control flow operator is to execute the corresponding subgraph imperatively. Here we can take advantage of CachedOp. However, there are some challenges in executing a subgraph inside an operator because operators are executed in the threaded engine currently:

  • The execution engine requires that the data in the output arrays is valid once an operator completes. However, the operators in the subgraph are pushed to the engine for execution. As such, when a control flow operator completes, there is no guarantee that all computation in the subgraph is complete.
  • If we wait for the completion of all computation in a subgraph, there is a potential deadlock. The deadlock happens when multiple control flow operators are waiting for subgraphs to complete and there are no more threads for executing tasks pushed by the control flow operators to the engine.

There are two potential solutions for executing a subgraph inside a control flow operator:

  • We can execute the subgraph outside the execution engine in the main thread like a normal function call. In this way, the data in the output arrays of a control flow operator is only marked valid by the operators in the subgraph.
  • In the case of ``ifelse’’ and ``while_loop’’, we need to wait for the condition subgraph to complete before we can proceed with ``if_func'' or ``else_func'' or the loop body. Potentially, we can still wait in the main thread for the condition subgraph to complete. However, blocking the main thread prevents multiple-GPU parallelism (MXNet has a single execution thread and uses asynchronous execution for multiple-GPU parallelism). As such, we have to allow the subgraph execution in the threaded engine.

Dynamic shape inference and execution: To execute a computation graph with operators that don't support static shape inference, the first step is to perform graph partitioning. Operators before ``while_loop’’ and the ones after ``while_loop’’ are grouped into separate subgraphs. As such, the original graph is split into multiple subgraphs and we can execute these subgraphs imperatively (just like Gluon does in Python). In this way, we can perform shape inference right before a subgraph is executed. Even though the shape of a subgraph may change in each mini-batch, we can still avoid memory allocation by reusing memory as long as the memory used in the previous execution is large enough.

Memory management: For inference, we only need to allocate memory for an iteration and the final output NDArrays. The memory used by the previous iteration can be reused in the next iteration. However, it's completely a different story for the training. Backward propagation for an iteration requires the intermediate computation results in the forward path. One approach is saving all intermediate computation results in the forward path. If a model requires many iterations (e.g., long sequences) or uses the attention mechanism, we need to allocate astonishing amount of memory, which can be a problem for GPU. To enable training on these workloads, we may have to use small batch sizes. Another possibility is to drop some memory in the forward path, e.g., only saving the outputs of each iteration and recompute the intermediate results in the forward path whenever it's needed. This can save significant amount of memory at the cost of computing the forward path twice. In the case of attention, we should develop a mechanism that systematically identifies the memory generated by cheap computation and drop it in the forward path (Pytorch allows developers to mark these memory manually).

====================================== Attachment ================================================

The proposed APIs of the flow control operators are listed below:


``ifelse’’ invokes different computations based on a certain condition.

ifelse(cond, if_func, else_func, inputs)

Input arguments:

  • ``cond’’ is a user-defined function that returns a boolean scalar symbol to define which function to compute.
  • ``if_func’’ and ``else_func’’ are also user-defined functions whose signature is defined below.
  • ``inputs’’ is a list of symbols that represent NDArrays.

Return value:

  • A list of symbols returned from one of the user-defined functions.

The signature of ``cond’’ is

def func(inputs): boolean symbol

where ``inputs’’ is the same as ``inputs’’ of ``ifelse’’ and the return value is a boolean scalar symbol.

The signature of ``if_func’’ and ``else_func’’ is

def func(inputs): outputs

where ``inputs’’ is the same as ``inputs’’ of ``ifelse’’ and ``outputs’’ is a list of symbols that represent NDArrays.

``if_func’’ and ``else_func’’ should return the same number of outputs with the same types and shapes. This is compatible with ``cond'' in TensorFlow, except the restriction in shapes.


``foreach’’ is a special form of loops. It's designed to have easy shape inference and other optimizations. It iterates over the first dimension of the input NDArray, so the number of iterations is determined before entering the loop.

foreach(func, input, state)

Input arguments:

  • ``input'' is a symbol that represents an NDArray.
  • ``func’’ is a user-defined function that defines computation for each iteration.
  • ``state’’ is a list of NDArray passed to ``func’’ as part of the inputs for the first iteration.

Return values:

  • A tuple of NDArray (out_data, state), where ``out_data’’ is an NDArray that is a concatenation of all outputs from ``func’’ and ``state’’ is the output state in the last iteration.

The signature of ``func’’ is

def func(input, state): output, new_state

``input'' is a symbol that will contain an element from the input array of ``foreach’’; ``state'' is a list of symbols that represent data from the previous iteration; ``output'' is a symbol that contains the output data generated by this iteration; ``new_state'' is a list of symbols that contain data passed to the next iteration. All outputs from this function are concatenated into a single NDArray as the output of ``foreach’’. As such, the shape and type of the output from each iteration should always be the same. ``func'' is invoked once to generate a symbol that represents the computation in the function.

``foreach’’ is similar to ``scan’’ in TensorFlow. The only difference is that ``func’’ in ``foreach’’ has two types of outputs: one is concatenated as the output of ``foreach’’; the other outputs are passed to ``func’’ as input for the next iteration. In contrast, ``scan’’ concatenates the outputs of ``func’’ as the output of ``scan’’ and also passes them to ``func’’ as one of the inputs for the next iteration. This difference makes the implementation of LSTM with ``foreach’’ simpler and more efficient than ``scan’’ in TensorFlow.


``while_loop’’ is the general form of a loop: at the beginning of each iteration, it checks a condition function to determine the termination of the loop. As such, it is difficult to determine the number of iterations in advance and is more difficult to optimize ``while_loop’’ than ``foreach’’.

while_loop(cond, func, loop_vars, max_iterations)

Input arguments:

  • ``cond’’ is a user-defined function that takes ``loop_vars’’ as input and return a boolean scalar symbol to determine the termination of the loop.
  • ``func’’ is a user-defined function that takes ``loop_vars’’ as input and performs computation of an iteration. There are two potential signatures as described below.
  • ``loop_vars’’ is a list of symbols that represent NDArrays.
  • ``max_iterations’’ is a python scalar or a MXNet scalar symbol that defines the maximal number of iterations. When ``max_iterations’’ is a python scalar, the maximal number of iterations is defined statically (when the computation is constructed); when ``max_iterations’’ is a MXNet scalar symbol, the maximal number of iterations is defined at runtime (when the computation graph is executed).

Return value:

  • Depending on the signature of ``func’’, there are two potential ways of returning values.

The signature of ``cond’’:

def cond(loop_vars): boolean scalar

There are two options for the signature of ``func’’:
Option 1:

def func(loop_vars): new_loop_vars

In this option, we only require ``loop_vars'' to have the same type for each iteration and their shape can change. ``while_loop’’ returns the return values of the last invocation of ``func’’. This interface is similar to the one in TensorFlow and is very flexible.

Option 2:

def func(loop_vars): (output, new_loop_vars)

In this option, ``output'' from each iteration will be concatenated and returned as the output of ``while_loop’’. We can require ``output'' to have the same shape and data type. We probably require arrays in ``new_loop_vars'' to have the same shape and data type as ``loop_vars''. This interface is similar to the definition of ``loop'' in ONNX and is more restrictive.

For both options, it is difficult to inference the shape of the output of ``while_loop’’ statically because we cannot determine the number of iterations required by ``while_loop’’ in advance. For the second option, even though we can't infer the shape, we may still be able to determine the maximal memory size used by the output of the loop. As such, the second option might be preferred even though it's more restrictive.

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