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Camel CDI

The Camel CDI component provides auto-configuration for Apache Camel using CDI as dependency injection framework based on the convention-over-configuration principle. It auto-detects Camel routes available in the application and provides beans for common Camel primitives like EndpointProducerTemplate or TypeConverter. It implements standard Camel bean integration so that Camel annotations like @Consume@Produce and @PropertyInject can be used seamlessly in CDI beans. Besides, it bridges Camel events (e.g. RouteAddedEvent, CamelContextStartedEvent or ExchangeCompletedEvent) as CDI events and provides a CDI events endpoint that can be used to consume / produce CDI events from / to Camel routes.

While the Camel CDI component is available as of Camel 2.10, it's been rewritten in Camel 2.17 to better fit into the CDI programming model. Hence some of the features like the Camel events to CDI events bridge and the CDI events endpoint only apply starting Camel 2.17.

Auto-configured Camel context

Camel CDI automatically deploys and configures a CamelContext bean. That CamelContext bean is automatically instantiated, configured and started (resp. stopped) when the CDI container initialises (resp. shuts down). It can be injected in the application, e.g.:

CamelContext context;

That default CamelContext bean is qualified with the built-in @Default qualifier, is scoped @ApplicationScoped and is of type DefaultCamelContext.

Note that this bean can be customised programmatically and other Camel context beans can be deployed in the application as well.

Auto-detecting Camel routes

Camel CDI automatically collects all the RoutesBuilder beans in the application, instantiates and add them to the CamelContext bean instance when the CDI container initialises. For example, adding a Camel route is as simple as declaring a class, e.g.:

class MyRouteBean extends RoutesBuilder {
    public void configure() {

Custom Camel context customisation


Multiple Camel contexts support


Camel events to CDI events

Camel provides a set of management events that can be subscribed to for listening to Camel context, service, route and exchange events. Camel CDI seamlessly translates these Camel events into CDI events that can be observed using CDI observer methods, e.g.:

void onContextStarting(@Observes CamelContextStartingEvent event) {
    // Called before the default Camel context is about to start

When multiple Camel contexts exist in the CDI container, the Camel context bean qualifiers, like @ContextName, can be used to refine the observer method resolution to a particular Camel context as specified in observer resolution, e.g.:

void onRouteStarted(@Observes @ContextName("foo") RouteStartedEvent event) {
    // Called after the route 'event.getRoute()' for the Camel context 'foo' has started
void onContextStarted(@Observes @Manual CamelContextStartedEvent event) {
    // Called after the the Camel context qualified with '@Manual' has started

Similarly, the @Default qualifier can be used to observe Camel events for the default Camel context if multiples contexts exist, e.g.:

void onExchangeCompleted(@Observes @Default ExchangeCompletedEvent event) {
    // Called after the exchange 'event.getExchange()' processing has completed

In that example, if no qualifier is specified, the @Any qualifier is implicitly assumed, so that corresponding events for all the Camel contexts get received.

Note that the support for Camel events translation into CDI events is only activated if observer methods listening for Camel events are detected in the deployment, and that per Camel context.

Configuration properties


Supported containers


See Also

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