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This method is easier to use, but it also limit some possible optimizations

Released: <Flink Version>

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Iteration is a basic building block for a ML library. It is required for training ML models for both offline and online cases. However, different cases might require different types of iteration:

  1. Offline Training: The training dataset is bounded, the algorithm usually iterates the dataset multiple rounds to optimize the model until convergence.
  2. Online Training: The training dataset is unbounded, the algorithm usually calculates the update to the model according to the current model and the input records, then sends the update back to the operator that holds the model.

Previously Flink supported bounded iteration with DataSet API and supported the unbounded iteration with DataStream API. However, since Flink aims to deprecate the DataSet API and the iteration in the DataStream API is rather incomplete, thus we would require to re-implement a new iteration library in the Flink-ml repository to support the algorithms. 

Besides, the previous DataStream and DataSet iteration APIs also have some caveats to support algorithm implementation:

  1. Lack of the support for multiple inputs, arbitrary outputs and nested iteration for both iteration APIs, which is required by algorithms like LDA or boost. In the new iteration we would support these functionalities.
  2. Lack of asynchronous iteration support for the DataSet iteration, which is required by algorithms like asynchronous linear regression, in the new iterations we would support both synchronous and asynchronous modes for the bounded iteration. 
  3. The current DataSet iteration by default provides a "for each round" semantics, namely users only need to specify the computation logic in each iteration, and the framework would executes the subgraph multiple times until convergence. To cooperate with the semantics, the DataSet iteration framework would merge the initial input and the feedback (bulk style and delta style), and replay the datasets comes from outside of the iteration. This method is easier to use, but it also limit some possible optimizations.

We also would like to improve these caveats in the new iteration library. 

Overall Design

To reduce the development and maintenance overhead, it would be preferred to have a unified implementation for different types of iterations. In fact, the different iteration types shares the same requirements in runtime implementation:

  1. All the iteration types should support multiple inputs and multiple outputs. 
  2. All the iteration types require some kind of back edges that transfer the data back to the iteration head. Since Flink does not support cycles in scheduler and network stack, the back edges should not be visible in the StreamGraph and JobGraph.
  3. All the iteration should support checkpoints mechanism in Stream execution mode.

Different types of iterations differ in their requirements for Progress tracking. Progress tracking is analogous to the watermark outside the iteration and it tracks the “progress” inside the iteration:

  1. For bounded iteration, we could track if we have processed all the records for a specific round. This is necessary for operators like aggregation inside the iteration: if it is notified all the records of the current round is processed, it could output the result of this round. We could also track if the whole iteration is end, namely all the inputs are finished and no pending records inside the iteration. 
  2. For unbounded iteration, there is no concept of global rounds, and the only progress tracking is at the end of iteration. 

The difference of the progress tracking would also affect the API. For example, for bounded iteration, we could allow users to specify the termination condition based on number of rounds, but it is meaningless for the unbounded iteration.

To make the API easy to use, we propose to have dedicated API for different types of iteration, and underlying we will translate them onto the same framework. would implements the basic functionality like iteration StreamGraph building, runtime structure and checkpoint, and it allows to implement different iterations to implement different types of progress tracking support. 

Proposed Changes

As shown in Figure 1, an iteration is composed of 

  1. The inputs from outside of the iteration. 
  2. An iteration body specify the structure inside the iteration.
    1. The subgraph inside the iteration.
    2. Some input have corresponding feedbacks to update the underlying data stream. The feedbacks are union with the corresponding inputs.
    3. The outputs going out of the iteration. The outputs could be emitted from arbitrary data stream.

Figure 1. The structure of an iterations. 

Iteration API

Unbounded Iteration

Similar to FLIP-15, we would more tend to provide a structural iteration API to make it easier to be understand. With this method, users are required to specify an IterationBody that generates the part of JobGraph inside the iteration. The iteration body should specify the DAG inside the iteration, and also the list of feedback streams and the output streams. The feedback streams would be union with the corresponding inputs and the output streams would be provided to the caller routine. 

However, since we do not know the accurate number and type of input streams, it is not easy to define a unified interface for the iteration body without type casting. Thus we would propose to use the annotation to allows for arbitrary number of inputs:

The IterationBody API
/** The iteration body specify the sub-graph inside the iteration. */
public interface IterationBody {

	/** This annotation marks the function as it would builds the subgraph. */
	public @interface IterationFunction {}

	/** This annotation marks a parameter of the iteration function as an input to the subgraph. */
	public @interface IterationInput {
		String value();

/** An example usage for the iteration body with two inputs. */
new IterationBody() {
	UnboundedIterationDeclarative iterate(
		@IterationInput("first") DataStream<Integer> first
		@IterationInput("second") DataStream<> second,
	) {
		DataStream<Integer> feedBack1 = ...;
		DataStream<String> output1 = ...;
		return new UnboundedIterationDeclarationBuilder()
			.withFeedback("first", feedBack1)
			.withOutput("output1", output1)

The interface for the unbounded iteration is straightforward:

Unbounded Iteration API
/** Builder for the unbounded iteration. */
public class UnboundedIteration {

    UnboundedIteration withBody(IterationBody body) {...}

	UnboundedIteration bindInput(String name, DataStream<?> input) {...}

	ResultStreams apply() {...}

/** The expected return type of the iteration function, which specifies the feedbacks and outputs. */
public class UnboundedIterationDeclaration {
	public static class Builder {

		public Builder withFeedback(String name, DataStream<?> feedback) {...}

		public Builder withOutput(String name, DataStream<?> output) {...}
		UnboundedIterationDeclaration build() {...}

/** The map of the output streams of an iteration.  */
public class ResultStreams {

	public <T> DataStream<T> getStream(String name) {...}


/** An example unbounded iteration. */
public class UnboundedIterationExample {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

		DataStream<Integer> source1 = env.fromElements(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
		DataStream<String> source2 = env.fromElements("2", "3", "4");

		ResultStreams resultStreams = new UnboundedIteration()
			.withBody(new IterationBody() {
				UnboundedIterationDeclarative iterate(
					@IterationInput("first") DataStream<Integer> first
					@IterationInput("second") DataStream<> second,
				) {
					DataStream<Integer> feedBack1 = ...;
					DataStream<String> output1 = ...;
					return new UnboundedIterationDeclarationBuilder()
						.withFeedback("first", feedBack1)
						.withOutput("output1", output1)
			.bindInput("first", source1)
			.bindInput("second", source2)

		DataStream<String> output = resultStreams.getStream("output1");

To avoid more data is read from the inputs while too much data accumulate inside the iteration, the iteration would first process the feedback data if both side of data is available. 

For termination detection, the iteration would continue until

  1. All the inputs are terminated.
  2. And there is no records inside the iteration subgraph. 

Then the iteration terminates.

Bounded Iteration

As mentioned in the motivation, the existing dataset iteration API uses the "per-round" semantics: it views the iteration as a repeat execution of the same DAG, thus underlying it would automatically merge the inputs and feedbacks and replay the inputs without feedbacks, and the operators inside the iteration live only for one-round. This might cause bad performance for some algorithms who could cache these data in a more efficient way. 

To avoid this issue, similar to the unbounded iteration, by default we use the "per-iteration" semantics: 

  1. Operators inside the iteration would live till the whole iteration is finished.
  2. We do not automatically merge the inputs and feedbacks. Instead, we union the original inputs and the feedbacks so that users could decide how the merge them.
  3. We do not replay the inputs without feedbacks. Users could decide to how to cache them more efficiently. 

Besides, to cooperate with the "per-round" semantics, previously the iteration is by default synchronous: before the current round fully finished, the feedback data is cached and would not be emitted. Thus it could not support some algorithms like asynchronous regression. To cope with this issue, we view synchronous iteration as a special case of asynchronous iteration with additional synchronization. Thus by default the iteration is asynchronous. 

Based on the above assumption, the API to add iteration to a job is nearly the same compared to the unbounded iteration. The only difference is that bounded iteration supports more sophisticated termination conditions: a function is evaluated when each round ends based on the round or the records of a specified data stream. If it returns true, the iteration would deserts all the following feedback records, ends all the ongoing rounds and finish. 

Since now the operators would live across multiple rounds and multiple rounds might be concurrent, the operators inside the iteration needs to know the rounds of the current record and when one round is fully finished, namely the progress tracking. For example, an operator computes the sum of the records in each rounds would like to add the record to the corresponding partial sum, and when one round is finished, it would emit the sum for this round. To support the progress track, UDFs / operators inside the iteration could implementation `BoundedIterationProgressListener` to acquire the additional information about the progress. 

Based on the progress tracking interface, if users want to implement a synchronous method, some operators inside the subgraph needs to be synchronous: they only emits the records in `onRoundEnd`, namely after all the data of the current round is received. If for the subgraph of iteration body, every path from input to the feedbacks has at least such an operator, then the iteration would be synchronous. 

For users still want to use the iteration with the "per-round" semantics, a utility `forEachRound()` is provided. With the utility users could add a subgraph inside the iteration body that

  1. The operators inside the subgraph would live only for one round.
  2. If an input stream without feedback is referenced, the input stream would be replayed for each round.

For input stream with feedbacks, we also provide two utility processFunction that automatically merge the original inputs and feedbacks. Both the existing bulk and delta method is supported. Then users would be able to implement a per-round iteration with input.process(bulkCache()).forEachRound(() → {...}).

The API for the bounded iteration is as follows:

Bounded Iteration API
/** Builder for the bounded iteration. */
public class BoundedIteration {

    BoundedIteration withBody(IterationBody body) {...}

	BoundedIteration bindInput(String name, DataStream<?> input) {...}

	ResultStreams apply() {...}

/** The expected return type of the iteration function, which specifies the feedbacks, outputs and termination conditions. */
public class BoundedIterationDeclaration {
	public static class Builder {

		public Builder withFeedback(String name, DataStream<?> feedback) {...}

		public Builder withOutput(String name, DataStream<?> output) {...}

		<U> Builder until(TerminationCondition terminationCondition) { ... }
		BoundedIterationDeclaration build() {...}

/** The termination condition judges if iteration should stop based on the round or the records of a data stream in one round. */
public class TerminationCondition {
	@Nullable DataStream<?> refStream;

	Function<Context, Boolean> isConverged;

	TerminationCondition(DataStream<?> refStream

	interface Context {

     	int[] getRound();

     	<T> List<T> getStreamRecords();

/** The progress tracking interface for UDF / Operator */
public interface BoundedIterationProgressListener<T> {

	default void setCurrentRecordRoundsQuerier(Supplier<int[]> querier) {}

	void onRoundEnd(int[] round, Context context, Collector<T> collector);
	default void onIterationEnd(int[] rounds, Context context) {}

    public interface Context {
		<X> void output(OutputTag<X> outputTag, X value);
		Long timestamp();

		TimerService timerService();

/** The builder that creates the subgraph that executed with the per-round semantics **/
public interface EachRound {
	Map<String, DataStream<?>> executeInEachRound();


/** The utility methods to support per-round semantics. */
public class BoundedIterationPerRoundUtils {

	static ResultStreams forEachRound(EachRound eachRoundBuilder);
	static <T> ProcessFunction bulkCache(DataStream<T> inputStream);

	static <K, T> ProcessFunction deltaCache(KeyedStream<K, T> inputStream);

// Example
public class BoundedIterationExample {

	public static void MyReducer implements FlatMapFunction<Integer, Integer>, BoundedIterationProgressListener<Integer> {
		private int value = 0;

		void flatMap(Integer v1, Collector<Integer> v2) {value += v1}

		void onRoundEnd(int[] round, Context context, Collector<T> collector) {
			value = 0;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

		DataStream<Integer> source1 = env.fromElements(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
		DataStream<String> source2 = env.fromElements("2", "3", "4");

		ResultStreams resultStreams = new BoundedIteration()
			.withBody(new IterationBody() {

				BoundedIterationDeclaration iterate(
					@IterationInput("first") DataStream<Integer> first,
					@IterationInput("second") DataStream<String> second
				) {
					DataStream<Integer> feedBack1 = ...;

					ResultStreams results = BoundedIterationUtils.forEachRound(() -> {
						return Collections.singletonMap("result",;
					DataStream<String> feedBack2 = results.getStream("result");

					DataStream<String> output1 = feedback1.flatMap(new MyReducer());

					return new BoundedIterationDeclarationBuilder()
						.withFeedback("first", feedBack1)
						.withOutput("output1", output1)
						.until(new TerminationCondition(feedback2, context -> context.getStreamRecords().size() == 0))
			.bindInput("first", source1)
			.bindInput("second", source2)

		DataStream<String> output = resultStreams.getStream("output1");

Key Implementation

The runtime physical structure of the iteration is shown in Figure 1, which is similar to the current implementation. The head & tail is added by the framework. They would be colocated so that we could implement the feedback edge with the local queue.  The head could coordinator with an operator coordinator bind to a virtual operator ID for synchronization, including progress tracking and termination condition calculating. 

Figure 1. The physical runtime structure for the iteration. 

To support the progress tracking, we would introduce new events inside the iteration body, like how watermark is implemented. However, since the normal operators could not identify these event, we would wrap the operators inside the iteration to parse these events.

To wrap the operators for the part of DAG inside the iteration, when building the stream graph we would introduce a mock execution environment and build the iteration DAG inside this environment first, then when apply() method is called, we would translate the DAG into the real execution environment with the suitable wrapper. Besides, all the edges inside the iteration should be PIPELINE, we would also set the edge property when translating.

The operator wrapper needs to simulates the context that an operator executes. Specially, for operators with single-round lifecycle in bounded iteration, we would need to isolate the states used for each round and cleanup the corresponding state after the round end.

Public Interfaces


This sections shows how general used ML algorithms could be implemented with the iteration API. 

Offline Training with Bounded Iteration

We would like to first show the usage of the bounded iteration with the linear regression case: the model is Y = XA, and we would like to acquire the best estimation of A with the SGD algorithm. To simplify we assume the parameters could be held in the memory of one task.

The job graph of the algorithm could be shown in the Figure 3: in each round, we use the latest parameters to calculate the update to the parameters: ΔA = ∑(Y - XA)X. To achieve this, the Parameters vertex would broadcast the latest parameters to the Train vertex. Each subtask of the Train vertex holds a part of dataset. Follow the sprite of SGD, it would sample a small batch of training records, and calculate the update with the above equation. Then the Train vertex emit ΔA to the Parameters node to update the parameters.

Figure 3. The JobGraph for the offline training of the linear regression case.

We will start with the synchronous training. The synchronous training requires the updates from all the Train vertex subtask is merged before the next round of training. It could be done by only emit the next round of parameters on the end of round. The code is shown as follows:

public class SynchronousBoundedLinearRegression {
    private static final N_DIM = 50;
    private static final OutputTag<double[]> FINAL_MODEL_OUTPUT_TAG = new OutputTag<double[]>{};

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DataStream<double[]> initParameters = loadParameters().setParallelism(1);
        DataStream<Tuple2<double[], Double>> dataset = loadDataSet().setParallelism(1);

        int batch = 5;
        int epochEachBatch = 10;

        ResultStreams resultStreams = new BoundedIteration()
            .withBody(new IterationBody(
                @IterationInput("model") DataStream<double[]> model,
                @IterationInput("dataset") DataStream<Tuple2<double[], Double>> dataset
            ) {
                SingleOutputStreamOperator<double[]> parameters = model.process(new ParametersCacheFunction());
                DataStream<double[]> modelUpdate = parameters.setParallelism(1)
                    .coProcess(new TrainFunction())

                return new BoundedIterationDeclarationBuilder()
                    .withFeedback("model", modelUpdate)
                    .withOutput("final_model", parameters.getSideOut(FINAL_MODEL_OUTPUT_TAG))
                    .until(new TerminationCondition(null, context -> context.getRound() >= batch * epochEachBatch))
        DataStream<double[]> finalModel = resultStreams.get("final_model");

    public static class ParametersCacheFunction extends ProcessFunction<double[], double[]>
        implements BoundedIterationProgressListener<double[]> {  
        private final double[] parameters = new double[N_DIM];

        public void processElement(double[] update, Context ctx, Collector<O> output) {
            // Suppose we have a util to add the second array to the first.
            ArrayUtils.addWith(parameters, update);

        public void onRoundEnd(int[] round, Context context, Collector<T> collector) {

        public void onIterationEnd(int[] round, Context context) {
            context.output(FINAL_MODEL_OUTPUT_TAG, parameters);

    public static class TrainFunction extends CoProcessFunction<double[], Tuple2<double[], Double>, double[]> implements BoundedIterationProgressListener<double[]> {

        private final List<Tuple2<double[], Double>> dataset = new ArrayList<>();
        private double[] firstRoundCachedParameter;

        private Supplier<int[]> recordRoundQuerier;

        public void setCurrentRecordRoundsQuerier(Supplier<int[]> querier) {
            this.recordRoundQuerier = querier;

        public void processElement1(double[] parameter, Context context, Collector<O> output) {
            int[] round = recordRoundQuerier.get();
            if (round[0] == 0) {
                firstRoundCachedParameter = parameter;

            calculateModelUpdate(parameter, output);

        public void processElement2(Tuple2<double[], Double> trainSample, Context context, Collector<O> output) {

        public void onRoundEnd(int[] round, Context context, Collector<T> output) {
            if (round[0] == 0) {
                calculateModelUpdate(firstRoundCachedParameter, output);
                firstRoundCachedParameter = null;                

        private void calculateModelUpdate(double[] parameters, Collector<O> output) {
            List<Tuple2<double[], Double>> samples = sample(dataset);

            double[] modelUpdate = new double[N_DIM];
            for (Tuple2<double[], Double> record : samples) {
                double diff = (ArrayUtils.muladd(record.f0, parameters) - record.f1);
                ArrayUtils.addWith(modelUpdate, ArrayUtils.multiply(record.f0, diff));


Implementation Plan

Logically all the iteration types would support both BATCH and STREAM execution mode. However, according to the algorithms' requirements, we would implement 

  1. Unbounded iteration + STREAM mode.
  2. Bounded iteration + BATCH mode.

Currently we do not see requirements on Bounded iteration + STREAM mode, if there are additional requirement in the future we would implement this mode, and it could also be supported with the current framework. 

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The API is added as a library inside flink-ml repository, thus it does not have compatibility problem. However, it has some difference with the existing iteration API and the algorithms would need some re-implementation.

For the long run, the new iteration implementation might provide an alternative for the iteration functionality, and we may consider deprecating and removing the existing API to reduce the complexity of core flink code. 

Rejected Alternatives

Naiad has proposed a unified model for watermark mechanism (namely progress tracking outside of the iteration) and the progress tracking inside the iteration. It extends the event time and watermark to be a vector (long timestamp, int[] rounds) and implements a vectorized alignment algorithm. Although Naiad provides an elegant model, the direct implementation on Flink would requires a large amount of modification to the flink runtime, which would cause a lot of complexity and maintenance overhead.  Thus we would choose to implement a simplified version on top of FLINK, as a part of the flink-ml library.

For the iteration DAG build graph, it would be more simpler if we could directly refer to the data stream variables outside of the closure of iteration body. However, since we need to make the iteration DAG creation first happen in the mock execution environment, we could not use these variables directly, otherwise we would directly modify the real environment and won't have chance to add wrappers to the operators. 

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