Want to start using SpamAssassin?
SpamAssassin runs on a server, and filters spam before it reaches your mailbox. It has been used by nearly every known mail delivery system. Install it yourself today...
- I run a mail server:
- UsedViaProcmail: Using Procmail with SpamAssassin
- Make use of other anti-spam projects: DnsBlocklists (using DNSBLs), UsingDcc, UsingRazor, and UsingPyzor.
- IntegratedInMta: built into the whole mail-delivery process in the Mail Transfer Agent (sendmail, Exim, Postfix, etc.)
- UsingSiteWide: more about using SpamAssassin site-wide
Another version of [http://www.stearns.org/doc/spamassassin-setup.current.html instructions]
- I have an account on a server:
- SingleUserUnixInstall: single-user installation on a typical Unix account
- UsedViaProcmail: run from the traditional UNIX .procmailrc file
- MailProxy: as a proxy server
- Run against a RemoteImapFolder
- Can I just buy something?
- Sure. Many CommercialProducts use SpamAssassin internally.
- Sure. Many CommercialProducts use SpamAssassin internally.
- Can I use SpamAssassin on other systems:
- On Mac OS X: UsingOnOsx
- On Windows: UsingOnWindows