The Skills feature serves two important functions. In Skills you can:

  • Find employees or organizations that have the required skills for a job.

  • Assign skills to an employees and organizations

Skills are organized into skill groups. Skills and skill groups are managed in Global Settings Skills where they can be created updated and deleted.

Skills are characterized by the fields Years Experience, R2ating and Sill Level, which are all numeric values. You can apply any meaning that suites your business needs to these values.




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Skills


  • Launch a screen to assign a skills to an employee or organization.

  • Look for skills using a variety of criteria. You can search for both people and organizations using the Type drop-down-list, find skills by geography using the Country / State drop-down-list, look by skill or skill group, and your search by experience rating and skill level. Using all of these criteria you an answer a questions like "What companies in CA with over $1,000,000 in revenue have more them 5 years experience in OFBiz Installation".

  • From the Search Results screenlet you can navigate to the profile of people and organizations that meet your criteria, navigate to an update screen or delete a skill.



The Search Results will have one row for each skill assigned to a person or group. Some columns in the results only apply to people while others only belong to groups. The list is ordered by the persons last name and then the group name.



  • Party Id - Use the Party Id to narrow your search to a single person or organization.

  • Type - Use Type to filter Search Results to only people or organizations.

  • City - Limits the results to one city.

  • State - Limits the results to a single state or providence. The list of states is dependent on the selection in Country.

  • Country - Limits the results to a single country. Changing the country will update the list of states.

  • Skill Group - Limits results to member of the group.

  • Skill - Limits results to a single skill.

  • Annual Revenue - Limits results to a range of annual revenue.

  • Number of Employees - Limits results to an range of the employee count.

  • Years Experience - Limits results to the range or the years of experience.

  • Rating - Limits results to a range or the ratings.

  • Skill Level - Limits results to a range or the skill levels.

Fields Search Results

  • Group Name - Name of a group applies only if the skill belongs to a group

  • Annual Revenue - Only reported for a group.

  • Number of employees - Only reported for a group.

  • Last Name - Only reported for a person.

  • First Name - Only reported for a person.


  • New Party Skill button: Click to open the screen to create a new skill.

  • Party column button: Click to open the parties profile.

  • Update column button: Click to update the parties skill list.

  • Delete column button: Click to delete the item. The item is deleted and can not be restored.




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Skills > Click button New Party Skill

Usage - Create a new skill. Skills are assigned to a party so a person or organization can have a skill. You can continue to create skills without leaving the screenlet. When finished click return to go back to the main screen.



  • Create button: Click to create the party skill.

  • Return button: Click to return the main Skills screen.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Skills > In Search Results Click Update button

Usage - From this screen you can create, update or delete a party skill.



  • New Party Skill button: Click to open the screen to create a new skill.

  • Submit button: Click to save changes in the row.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the rows skill. The skill is deleted and can not be restored.

  • Return button: Click to return the main Skills screen.


  • No labels