Editable text on a single line. See TextArea for editable text on multiple lines.

Set text to display

Set the text in MXML:

<js:TextInput text="Hello, FlexJS!"/>

Listen to events

Listen for changes to the text, such as when there is keyboard input:

<js:TextInput id="input" change="onChange(event)"/>
       private function onChange(event:Event):void
trace("change:", input.text);

Change text input appearance

Set font styles in a single text input:

<js:SimpleCSSStyles fontFamily="serif" fontSize="20"
fontWeight="bold" fontStyle="italic" color="#ff0000"/>

Set a text input's border styles:

<js:SimpleCSSStyles borderStyle="solid" borderWidth="2"
borderColor="#ff0000" borderRadius="4"/>

Set a text input's background color:

<js:SimpleCSSStyles backgroundColor="#ffcccc"/>
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