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NOTE THAT the information mentioned on this page is still in progress and may not be fully implemented yet.

Building from sources

Checkout sources:

$ svn co

Then, change to Sqoop2 source directory and build them:

$ cd sqoop2
$ mvn install

Creating distribution

Now build and package Sqoop2 as distribution:

$ mvn package -Pdist

This process will create a directory and a tarball under dist/target directory. The directory (named sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT as of this writing) contains necessary binaries to run Sqoop2, and its structure looks something like

--+ bin --+ sqoop
  + conf --+
  |        |
  |        +-
  + server --+ bin --+
  |          |
  |          + webapps --+ sqoop.war
  + sqoop-client.jar
  + sqoop-common.jar
  + ...

As part of this process, a copy of Tomcat server is also downloaded and put under the server directory in the above structure.

Starting/Stopping Sqoop2 server

To start Sqoop2 server, change to Sqoop2 distribution directory and invoke the sqoop shell script:

cd dist/target/sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
bin/sqoop server start

Similarly, to stop Sqoop2 server, do the following:

bin/sqoop server stop

Starting/Running Sqoop2 client

To start an interactive shell,

bin/sqoop client

This will bring up an interactive client ready for input commands:

Sqoop Shell: Type 'help' or '\h' for help.


Alternatively, the shell client can be run in script mode. For example, a command script can be created as

echo "set server --host localhost --port 8080 --webapp sqoop" > sqoop.script
echo "show version --all" >> sqoop.script

Then, the command script can be run with

bin/sqoop client sqoop.script

The command for the shell client looks something like <command> <function> <options>:

  • set
    • set server
      • set server --host <host>
      • set server --port <port>
      • set server --webapp <webapp>
  • show
    • show version
      • show version --all
      • show version --server
      • show version --client
      • show version --protocol
        Unknown macro: {hide-if}

        – show connector
        – show connection
        – show job

        • create
          • create connection --id <connector id> <more connection options>
          • create job --cid <connection id> <more job options>
        • start
          • start job --jid <job id>
        • stop
          • stop job --jid <job id>
  • No labels