

November 2019 Report

## Description:

- The Diversity and Inclusion VP works in collaboration with a team who contributes towards generating a current description of the D&I landscape in the industry and for the foundation. The team also focuses on developing resources the projects can leverage to increase diversity and inclusion in their communities.

## Issues:


## Activity:

*** Project:  Survey revamp***

  1. Agreement signed with Bitergia... Need additional information!
  2. Working with Outreachy team in the development of the friction log template. 
  3. Opened a 72h contribution period to gather feedback from all existing ASF contributors about the current level of diversity and inclusion, including education, age, socio-economic status, and gender. [4]
  4. We are going to schedule one hour meeting to gather more feedback of the survey. 

*** Project: UX Research on new contributors ***

*** Project: Internships for underrepresented groups (Outreachy) ***

Outreachy's goal is to support people from groups underrepresented in the technology industry. Outreachy interns will work remotely with mentors on projects ranging from programming, user experience, documentation, illustration and graphic design, to data science. Outreachy interns will receive stipends for developing said projects full-time for three months. 

  1. We closed project and mentors lists with three projects approved and six mentors approved. [1]
  2. Contributions period started on 1st October. We sent emails to mentors to remind them the opening of this contribution period.
  3. Verified internal communication channels worked as it should, between mentors, applicants and organisers.
  4. Currently working with the new team Survey & Contributor Experience Research in the friction log template. 
  5. Keep working on the migration of previous meeting minutes to Confluence to create a report that includes all action items, to make the process more transparent. [2]

More detailed reports on this work can be found on their update minutes[3].

*** Operations ***

<private> Received a targeted donation of $30k for diversity and inclusion from Google, need to work with Fundraiser how to process it and communicate it </private>

*** Community Highlights ***

  • The Foundation participated at, the first open source contributor summit in Latin America

    • 3x Board members (Daniel Ruggeri, Myrle Krantz, Joan Touzet) + 3 officers (Gris Cuevas, Sharan Foga, Sam Ruby) in attendance
    • Full ASF track delivered on Saturday 2019-09-14:
    • Lots of interest - common theme expressed was "I've never been part of an Apache event" and "Latin Americans want to get more involved in the ASF [now]!"

## Health report:

Update on Diversity & Inclusion mailing lists moderation: 

From the events that occurred last month in the D&I mailing list, 4 components of a strong moderation practice were outlined: 

>Successful moderation requires at least a few things:

> 1. a clear, short list of rules people must follow

> 2. reasons provided to the poster on violation

> 3. a stated appeals process

> 4. consistent application of those rules

The committee has brought an initial draft of these guidelines to a Confluence page[4] and feedback has been provided on an email thread in dev@[5]. Thanks to everyone who has provided input. 

Next steps are: Finalize moderation guidelines and publish them in the D&I wiki, and establish a process for appeals. We’ll work on these two points next. 

Update on mailing lists status: 

We are back to normal cadence and volume. Work in the three main projects for 2019 has started to show progress and tone and interaction has refocused on core work. 

## Committee members changes:


## References





Previous Board Reports (To be migrated here)