.2.3.12 Thesaurus
. Defining word substitutions
The thesaurus is a tool for defining word substitutions for the search function. For example, you may want users who search for 'lapptop' to see the same results as those who search for 'laptop.' To do this, click on 'Thesaurus,' put in 'lapptop' in the box to the right of Keyword and 'laptop' in the box next to 'laptop.' Select the relationship of 'correct spelling' and click on 'add.' Now, when someone searches for 'lapptop,' the Open for business search function will automatically substitute 'laptop' for it before conducting the search. You can also add 'computer' as another alternative for 'lapptop,' using the relationship 'broader term.' Now searches for 'lapptop' will return results for both 'laptop' and 'computer.'
. List of keywords
Below the menu for defining keyword relationships, you will see a series of letters, each of which will show you keywords which begin with those letters, if you have a large collection of keywords that need to be separated out into multiple pages. Each keyword will show a list of keywords for which it is a substitute and their relationships to the original keyword. Thus, if 'lapptop' is a substitute for both 'computer' and 'laptop, both words will be listed to the right of 'lapptop' with their respective purposes.

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