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Apache Release Documentation

Code Signing Key

Create a code signing gpg key for release signing; use <your Apache ID> for your primary ID for the code signing key. See the Apache Release Signing documentation for further information.

Ensure JIRA Issues are Appropriately Tagged for the Release 

Ensure that all MADlib JIRA issues that are addressed in this release are marked with the release version in the ‘FixVersion’ field of the issue.


Creating and Validating the Release Candidate

Create the Release Candidate

Prepare Release Notes

See example release notes from previous releases on the wiki site and prepare similar notes.

  1. Update the wiki with these release notes for the new release
  2. Update the release notes file in the source code: (create PR and merge)

Prepare Tarballs

  1. Branch your release:

    git checkout -b <your release name> <commit sha1> 

    push to origin:
    git push origin <your release name>

  2. Apply signed tag on release branch


     git tag -u <GPG KEY ID> --sign <your release name>-rc# -m "Apache MADlib (Incubating) <your release name> RC#" <SHA of HEAD of branch>

  3. Make a tarball and gzip:
    git archive -o ../apache-madlib-<your release name>-incubating-src.tar --prefix=apache-madlib-<your release name>-incubating-src/ <your tag/branch name>
    gzip ../apache-madlib-<your release name>-incubating-src.tar


    $ git archive -o ../apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar --prefix=apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src/ 1.11-incubating
    $ gzip ../apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar

Create convenience binaries (rpm and dmg files)

Creating rpm package - CentOS 6 (GPDB 4.3, 4.3 Orca, HAWQ 2.2, Postgres 9.5, 9.6)

This section is under construction

Build MADlib and rpm package


cmake -DHAWQ_2_PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/hawq- \
      -DGREENPLUM_4_3ORCA_PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/gpdb- \
      -DGREENPLUM_4_3_PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/gpdb- \
      -DPOSTGRESQL_9_6_PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/postgresql-9.6/bin/pg_config \
      -DPOSTGRESQL_9_5_PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/postgresql-9.5.0/bin/pg_config \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \

Creating rpm package - CentOS 6 (GPDB 5)

Identify build docker image (repository and tag) to use for build by
reviewing the resource named "centos-gpdb-dev-6" in the GPDB 5
Concourse pipeline file.

pipeline file:


repo: pivotaldata/centos-gpdb-dev
tag: 6-gcc6.2-llvm3.7

Retrieve latest greenplum 5 release rpm from Pivotal Network
( A free account can be created to
retrieve the Greenplum 5 rpm artifact.

Product: Pivotal Greenplum
Release: 5.0.0 (latest release)


Release Download Files: Greenplum Database 5.0.0-beta.6 RPM for RHEL 6
File downloaded: greenplum-db-5.0.0-beta.6-rhel6-x86_64.rpm

Copy Greenplum 5 rpm and Apache MADlib source release tarball into directdory (/opt/downloads) which will be mounted into docker container.


cp greenplum-db-5.0.0-beta.6-rhel6-x86_64.rpm /opt/downloads
cp apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar.gz /opt/downloads

Start Docker container in which to buid


docker run -it --rm -v /opt/downloads:/tmp/downloads pivotaldata/centos-gpdb-dev:6-gcc6.2-llvm3.7 /bin/bash

Build MADlib and rpm package


yum install -y /tmp/downloads/greenplum-db-5.0.0-beta.6-rhel6-x86_64.rpm
tar xf /tmp/downloads/apache-madlib-1.12-src.tar.gz

cd apache-madlib-1.12-src
mkdir build; cd build

cmake -DGREENPLUM_5_PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/ggreenplum-db-5.0.0_beta.6/bin/pg_config \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/madlib \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
make install
make package
mv madlib-1.12-Linux.rpm apache-madlib-1.12-bin-Linux-GPDB5beta6.rpm

This will generate a file (in the current working directory) with a name similar to madlib-1.12-Linux.rpm.  For convenience binary purposes, the file must be renamed to apache-madlib-1.12-bin-Linux-GPDB5beta6.rpm (last step above).

Install and test the MADlib rpm following standard procedures (NOTE: To ensure a clean installation directory, remove /usr/local/madlib prior to installing and testing the rpm).

Creating dmg package - macOS (Postgres 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6)

Required software to create dmg packages

Operating System: macOS Sierra: 10.12.6 (16G29) (copied from contents of dmg listed below into your Applications directory)

Available for download from Apple Developers site
Package: Auxiliary Tools for Xcode - Late July 2012
File: xcode44auxtools6938114a.dmg

Build Postgres versions

On macOS, MADlib supports Postgres 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6 versions. In order to build, you will need to have three separate installation directories available. Download the latest source tarballs for each version from Extract, configure, build, test and install each version.


tar xf postgresql-9.6.4.tar.gz
cd postgresql-9.6.4
./configure --with-python --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql964

make check
make install

Repeat for each Postgres version.

Build MADlib and dmg package

Perform MADlib release build referencing each Postgres <pg install dir>/bin/pg_config version to be supported during the cmake configuration step:

Example (from source directory):

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DPOSTGRESQL_9_6_PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/pgsql964/bin/pg_config  \
      -DPOSTGRESQL_9_5_PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/pgsql958/bin/pg_config  \
      -DPOSTGRESQL_9_4_PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/pgsql9413/bin/pg_config \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/madlib \

make install
make package
mv madlib-1.12-Darwin.dmg apache-madlib-1.12-bin-Darwin.dmg

This will generate a file (in the current working directory) with a name similar to madlib-1.12-Darwin.dmg.  For convenience binary purposes, the file must be renamed to apache-madlib-1.12-bin-Darwin.dmg (last step above).

Install and test the MADlib dmg following standard procedures (NOTE: To ensure a clean installation directory, remove /usr/local/madlib prior to installing and testing the dmg).

Sign the Release Candidate

Check that md5, shasum, and gpg (or gpg2) are installed on your machine:

$ which gpg shasum md5

Install using Hombrew (on Mac OS) if needed e.g.:

$ brew install gnupg
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> ./configure --disable-silent-rules --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/gnupg/1.4.19 --disable-asm
==> make
==> make check
==> make install

    /usr/local/Cellar/gnupg/1.4.19: 53 files, 5.4M, built in 87 seconds
office-4-125:release_manager_stuff rraghu$ which gpg


Prepare MD5, SHA256 and ASC files from the source tarball and binaries:

md5 <your release tarball or binary> > <your release tarball or binary>.md5
shasum -a 512 <your release tarball or binary> > <your release tarball or binary>.sha512
gpg --detach-sign -a <your release tarball or binary>


$ md5 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar.gz > apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar.gz.md5
$ shasum -a 512 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar.gz > apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha512
$ gpg --detach-sign -a apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar.gz

You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
user: "Rashmi Raghu (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>"
4096-bit RSA key, ID 28D2C789, created 2017-05-01


$ ls -la

-rw-r--r--@ 1 rraghu staff 9961787 May 1 13:55 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Darwin.dmg
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 819 May 1 14:29 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Darwin.dmg.asc
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 86 May 1 14:27 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Darwin.dmg.md5
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 175 May 1 14:28 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Darwin.dmg.sha512
-rw-r--r--@ 1 rraghu staff 3868116 May 1 13:55 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux-GPDB5alpha1.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 819 May 1 14:48 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux-GPDB5alpha1.rpm.asc
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 97 May 1 14:46 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux-GPDB5alpha1.rpm.md5
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 186 May 1 14:47 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux-GPDB5alpha1.rpm.sha512
-rw-r--r--@ 1 rraghu staff 18527053 May 1 13:55 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux.rpm
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 819 May 1 14:43 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux.rpm.asc
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 85 May 1 14:41 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux.rpm.md5
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 174 May 1 14:41 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux.rpm.sha512
-rw-r--r--@ 1 rraghu staff 2474217 May 1 13:56 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 819 May 1 14:45 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 82 May 1 14:44 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar.gz.md5
-rw-r--r-- 1 rraghu staff 171 May 1 14:45 apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-src.tar.gz.sha512

Validate the Release Candidate 

As per the Apache documentation, verify that the release candidate artifacts satisfy the following:

  • PGP signatures and SHA256/MD4 checksum verification

Example (performed on Mac OS):

$ brew install gpg coreutils

$ which gpg gsha512sum gmd5sum

$ gpg --verify apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux.rpm.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in `apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux.rpm'
gpg: Signature made Mon May 1 14:42:16 2017 PDT using RSA key ID 28D2C789
gpg: Good signature from "Rashmi Raghu (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>"
$ gsha512sum --check apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux.rpm.sha512
apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux.rpm: OK
$ gmd5sum --check apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux.rpm.md5
apache-madlib-1.11-incubating-bin-Linux.rpm: OK


Check Jenkins build here to make sure it does not show any errors: 

  • DISCLAIMER is correct, filenames include “incubating”
  • All source files have license headers where appropriate, RAT checks pass

$ mvn apache-rat:check 

  • The provenance of all source files is clear (ASF or software grants)

Commit artifacts to Apache dist site

The Apache dist dev site for MADlib (incubating) is located at:

Uploading to this site is via Subversion.

  1. Retrieve the subversion dev incubator madlib repo
    Example: svn checkout --username=<your apache user id>
  2. Create a local folder for the release (e.g. 1.11-incubating.RC1) in svn. We use apache's distribution repo:
  3. Move the files into the release folder on local disk
  4. svn add <release folder>
  5. Commit artifacts:
    Example: svn commit -m 'adding 1.11-incubating RC1 candidate release artifacts' --username=<your apache user id>

Vote on the Release

General information regarding the Apache voting process can be found here:

Once the release candidate has been created, validated and the artifacts have been uploaded to the Apache dist site, it is time to have the community vote on the release.

Apache MADlib Community Vote

The MADlib user and developer communities have to vote on every release. The release manager must send out an email to the user and dev mailing lists calling for the vote (link to the example is below). A period of 3 business days is the usual time window for the vote. There are three voting options for the community members to choose from:

[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)

Please see the Apache voting process site for information on how many +1 votes are needed, what to do in case of -1 votes and for any clarifications to the voting process. 

Example email to the community calling for the vote can be found in Apache mail archives site here.

Once the community vote has been completed, the release manager must send out an email to the user and dev mailing lists with the results of the vote.  If other scenarios arise in the voting process, please refer to experienced community members or other similar projects for guidance on next steps.

Example email to the community with the results of the vote.

Incubator PMC Vote

Once the community vote has been successfully completed and results have been sent to the community, a round of voting by the Incubator PMC is required. The Incubator PMC (or IPMC) oversees all Apache projects in Incubating state. This vote is not needed once the project reaches Top Level status (TLP status).

The release manager must send out an email (link to an example is below) to the mailing list calling for the IPMC vote. A period of 3 business days is the usual time window for the vote. 

Example email to the Incubator PMC calling for their vote on the release candidate.

In addition to the above example email, it is also recommended to include this link to the licensing guidance from the ASF when calling an IPMC vote, because it describes the guidance from the ASF regarding MADlib's particular licensing history.  This is to make it easier for IPMC members who are reviewing the release and may not be familiar with MADlib's license history and transition to the ASF.

After the IPMC voting has been successfully completed, the release manager must send an email to with the results of the vote. At this point the release candidate is ready to become GA.

Example email to the Incubator PMC with the results of the vote.


Publishing, distributing and announcing the Release

General Apache information regarding announcing a release may be found here.

Once the release candidate has successfully passed through the voting processes, it is ready to be GA.

  1. Move the source, binaries and corresponding signature files from staging (dev) folder to the release dist site: . Use the svn mv command. Example below:
    svn mv

  2. Remove old releases from the release and dev dist sites

    1. Retrieve the subversion release incubator madlib repo if you have not done so already
      Example: svn checkout --username=<your apache user id>

    2. Delete the folders from local working copy using svn delete <folder to delete>
      E.g. svn delete 1.10.0-incubating/
    3. Commit the deletions: svn commit -m 'removing old release' --username=<your apache user id>
      Remember to do the above steps for the "dev" site as well
  3. Update the user docs link to point to the correct version of the docs and also update any version numbers / links in the page content: 
  4. Announce the release on user@ and dev@ mailing lists. See example email of past announcement.




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