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Geronimo is the J2EE server project of the Apache Software Foundation. ServiceMix is being tightly integrated with Geronimo so that it takes advantage of it's deployment architecture and to leverage geronimo to implement J2EE JBI bindings.

This document is under development and will be completed when the underlying code is ready. In the meantime, the ServiceMix on Geronimo deployment shown here is of the servicemix-web.war file. The Tomcat web application server is integrated with Geronimo as part of the Geronimo distribution. Therefore, when the servicemix-web.war file is deployed on Geronimo, it is being handed off to Tomcat by Geronimo. Additionally, the war file uses lightweight components, which are those components defined in a servicemix.xml file. Ultimately, the ServiceMix deployment on Geronimo will use heavyweight components. Heavyweight components accept service unit deployments, such as PXE. If you are interested in this topic and how it progresses, please "watch" this page for future changes.

The organization of this document is:

Geronimo Integration

The following guide explains how to deploy ServiceMix 2.0.x on the Geronimo application server.

Pre-Installation Requirements

  • Java Developer Kit (JDK) 1.4.x or greater to run ServiceMix (to build ServiceMix, JDK 1.5.x or greater is required)
  • The JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set to the directory where the JDK is installed, e.g. c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.xx.
  • Maven 1.0.2 or greater (required when installing source or developer releases).
  • Geronimo version 1.0-M5 (Geronimo version 1.0-SNAPSHOT for deploying components)
  • ServiceMix 2.0.x

The following platform was used to produce this deployment guide:

  • Windows XP
  • Geronimo 1.0-M5
  • Java 5
  • ServiceMix 2.0.x

Deploying ServiceMix on Geronimo

Execute the following steps to deploy ServiceMix on Geronimo. NOTE: This procedure will work on Unix platforms, as well as the Windows platform, with the appropriate substitutions, such as using the backslash ( / ) instead of the forward slash ( \ ).

  1. Geronimo must be downloaded and installed. For instructions please see the Geronimo web site. In the Geronimo release of geronimo-1.0-M5 or greater, Tomcat is integrated with Geronimo. By default, Tomcat uses port 8080. This information will be used later.
  2. Download the ServiceMix source code. Please see the Getting Started guide for instructions.
  3. Create the WAR file:
    cd [servicemix_install_dir]\tooling\servicemix-web
    maven war

    where servicemix_install_dir is the directory in which ServiceMix was downloaded and installed. The war file can be found in [servicemix_install_dir]\tooling\servicemix-web\target\servicemix-web.war.

  4. To deploy the ServiceMix WAR file on Geronimo, use the Geronimo deployer.jar tool found in the bin directory of the Geronimo base directory.
    From a command shell:
    cd [geronimo_install_dir]
    java -jar bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager deploy [servicemix-2.0.x_install_dir]\tooling\servicemix-web\target\servicemix-web.war

    You will see output similar to this:
     Deployed servicemix-web @ http://Lisas:8080/servicemix-web
    The output in the Geronimo console window should show ServiceMix starting. Output will be similar to the following. This WAR file was not developed for use on Geronimo, but for use on Tomcat stand-alone, therefore, it does not contain a geronimo-web.xml deployment plan. For using the servicemix-web.war file on Tomcat, please see Tomcat Integration.
    Geronimo Application Server started
    13:13:17,062 WARN  [JettyModuleBuilder] Web application does not contain a WEB-INF/geronimo-web.xml deployment plan.  This may or may not
     a problem, depending on whether you have things like resource references that need to be resolved.  You can also give the deployer a sep
    te deployment plan file on the command line.
    If Geronimo is restarted the console log will show ServiceMix starting, as shown below. Note: Geronimo does not need to be restarted to deploy the WAR file.
    Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.5.0_05)...
    Starting Geronimo Application Server
    [*****************] 100%  45s Startup complete
      Listening on Ports:
        1099 RMI Naming
        1527 Derby Connector
        4201 ActiveIO Connector EJB
        4242 Remote Login Listener
        8019 Tomcat Connector AJP
        8080 Jetty Connector HTTP
        8090 Tomcat Connector HTTP
        8443 Jetty Connector HTTPS
        8453 Tomcat Connector HTTPS
       61616 ActiveMQ Message Broker Connector
      Started Application Modules:
        EAR: org/apache/geronimo/Console/Jetty
        WAR: org/apache/geronimo/applications/Welcome/Jetty
        WAR: servicemix-web
      Web Applications:
    Geronimo Application Server started
    NOTE: The console output is also logged in geronimo_install_dir\var\log\deployer.log.

Testing the ServiceMix Geronimo Deployment

To ensure that ServiceMix is running on Geronimo, do any of the following:

  1. Use Geronimo's "list-modules" option on deployer.jar to see the servicemix-web application:
    cd [geronimo_install_dir]
    java -jar bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager list-modules
    Output will be similar to:
    Found 33 modules
      + org/apache/geronimo/Tomcat
      + org/apache/geronimo/Jetty
      + org/apache/geronimo/RMINaming
      + org/apache/geronimo/ActiveMQServer
      + org/apache/geronimo/TomcatRuntimeDeployer
      + org/apache/geronimo/Server
      + org/apache/geronimo/Security
      + servicemix-web @ http://Lisas:8080/servicemix-web
      + org/apache/geronimo/SystemDatabase
      + org/apache/geronimo/applications/Welcome/Jetty @ http://Lisas:8080/
      + org/apache/geronimo/SystemJMS

  2. ServiceMix's default port is 1099. From another window run netstat and search for port 1099.
    From a Windows console, type:
    netstat -an|find "1099"


    From a Unix command shell, type:
    netstat -an|grep 1099

  3. Run the ServiceMix JMX Console. To do this, enter the following URL in a web browser: http://localhost:8080/servicemix-web:

  4. An http binding example is supplied. To run the example program perform the following steps:
    1. From a browser, enter the URL http://localhost:8080/servicemix-web/examples.

    2. Enter a name or some text in the text box (shown above) and click the Submit button. You will see:

Undeploying ServiceMix on Geronimo

Execute the following steps to undeploy ServiceMix on Geronimo.

  1. To undeploy the ServiceMix WAR file, use the Geronimo deployer.jar tool found in the bin directory of the Geronimo base directory.
    From a command shell:
    cd [geronimo_install_dir]
    java -jar bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager undeploy servicemix-web

    The output in the Geronimo console window should show the ServiceMix WAR file being undeployed. Output will be similar to the following:
            Module servicemix-web stopped.
            Module servicemix-web unloaded.
            Module servicemix-web uninstalled.
        Undeployed servicemix-web

Deploying JBI Components

Deploying Components on servicemix-web.war

This is just an example of one way to deploy components. The preferred method is in the next section, however, the Geronimo deployment tool is still under development, so this section is included for the interim.

First some background. A JBI component is either a service engine (SE) or a binding component (BC). These terms are defined in #Introduction to ESB and/or the #Glossary. A BC/SE is installed on ServiceMix by copying it into the install directory which resides under the ServiceMix home directory. So what gets deployed? JBI components can act as containers themselves. Artifacts can be deployed to an existing BC or SE to add more functionality to that component. Adding artifacts to installed components is called deployment. To deploy artifacts to a component the artifacts can be placed in the deploy directory under the ServiceMix home directory. Another term that is important to know is service assembly. A service assembly is a collection of deployment artifacts and metadata. A service unit is a single deployment artifact which is deployed on a single component. For deployment to happen, the artifacts must be in a very specific format, which is specified in the JSR 208 specification. Please see chapter 6 of the JSR 208 specification for more details.
In addition to deploying components, ServiceMix allows servicemix.xml files to be deployed in a similar method to deploying a component.

This section will show how to deploy a servicemix.xml file:

Let's use one of the existing examples and modify it to make it a deployment unit.
The quartz example is a good one.
For a source distribution:

  1. cd [servicemix_install_dir]\assembly\target\servicemix-2.0.2\bin\servicemix-2.0.2\examples\quartz-binding

  2. create a directory elsewhere, such as \temp\JBIcomponent
  3. copy servicemix.xml to \temp\JBIcomponent
  4. cd \temp\JBIcomponent
  5. edit servicemix.xml
    • need to change a few things to make this a service unit, please see the code here:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <beans xmlns=""
      	xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../conf/spring-beans.xsd
      	<!-- the JBI container -->
      	<sm:serviceunit spring:id="jbi">
      			<!-- lets kick off a timer  every 5 seconds -->
      			<sm:activationSpec componentName="timer" service="my:timer"
      					<bean xmlns=""
      						<property name="triggers">
      										<bean class="org.quartz.SimpleTrigger">
      											<property name="repeatInterval" value="5000" />
      											<property name="repeatCount" value="-1" />
      										<property name="name" value="My Example Job" />
      										<property name="group" value="ServiceMix" />
      			<!-- Route the event to a trace component that just outputs the event to the console -->
      			<sm:activationSpec componentName="trace" service="my:trace">
      					<bean xmlns=""
      						class="org.servicemix.components.util.TraceComponent" />

  6. Two jar files must be created. These jar files will be copied into the ServiceMix deploy directory.
    The first jar file will contain the service component jbi.xml file. The file should contain:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns:sm="" 
      <sm:container id="jbi">
          <sm:activationSpec componentName="servicemix-component">
            <sm:component><bean class="org.servicemix.components.servicemix.ServiceMixComponent"/></sm:component>
    1. Put jbi.xml in an empty META-INF directory and put that into a jar file:
      jar cvf service-component.jar *
    2. Then create a zip file of the servicemix.xml file you modified above. The zip file should contain the servicemix.xml file and it should be called to match the name it is called in the jbi.xml file.
    3. Create the second jar file--this is the service assembly jar file. It will contain another jbi.xml file that is used for the service assembly and it will also contain the zip file, in this structure:
      The service assembly jbi.xml should be similar to the following:
      <jbi xmlns="" 
             <description>Sample AU</description>
      Copy the jbi.xml file to the META-INF directory, then create the jar file:
      jar cvf sa_quartz.jar *
  7. Finally, to deploy, copy sa_quartz.jar and service-component.jar to the deploy directory of ServiceMix. The deploy directory is located in [servicemix_install_dir]\deploy, where [servicemix_install_dir] is the location in which ServiceMix was installed.

  8. If ServiceMix is already running, look at the console window output to see the deployment. If ServiceMix has not been started, start it and monitor the console window output.

Deploying JBI Components on Geronimo Using the Geronimo Deployment Tool

This section discusses using the Geronimo deployment tool to deploy components. This is separate from the previous sections
dealing with the servicemix-web.war file. When the deployment tool is fully developed this will be the preferred method.
Currently only geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT can be used to perform this method.

The JBI spec describes in detail how to create a valid JBI deployment unit. In essence, it is a jar file with a META-INF/jbi.xml with other resource jars inside it. Please see Deployment Units for more information.

  1. Make sure that your geronimo server is running.
  2. Run the geronimo deploy tool against your deployment unit (in this case jbcomponent.jar):
    java -jar geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager deploy jbcomponent.jar 

That should deploy the component to geronimo. To check, just take a look at the geronimo logs for a message similar to:

11:44:24,865 INFO  [Configuration] Started configuration example-engine-1
11:44:24,869 INFO  [ServiceMixDeployment] Starting: /Users/chirino/sandbox/geronimo/modules/assembly/target/geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/config-store/20/META-INF/jbi.xml
11:44:25,783 INFO  [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jbi'

Related Documentation


Please monitor the Jira issue SM-140 to get currrent information on the Geronimo deployer for ServiceMix.

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