## Description:

- Apache Streams unifies a diverse world of digital profiles and online activities into common formats and vocabularies, and makes these datasets accessible across a variety of databases, devices, and platforms for streaming, browsing, search, sharing, and analytics use-cases.

## Issues:

- There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:

- Most recent activity has been focused on graduation and TLP post-graduation tasks.
- We have completed most PMC setup and infra tasks; some code and website refactoring work remains.

## Health report:

Streams graduated to TLP on July 19 2017.  Eight PPMC members have joined the new PMC.  Enthusiasm is strong and there is a lot of important work ahead. 

## PMC changes:

 - PMC has been just formalized as part of the graduation resolution.
- Currently 8 PMC members.
 ## Committer base changes:
- PMC has been just formalized as part of the graduation resolution.
- Currently 8 committers.

## Releases:

- Prior release was 0.5-incubating on March 20, 2017

- Next release will be 0.6.0 - discussion on list has started.


## Mailing list activity:

81 Emails sent during these 92 days, up 32 (65%) compared to previous 92 days.

25 topics started during these 92 days, up 10 (66%) compared to previous 92 days.

17 Participants during these 92 days, up 6 (54%) compared to previous 92 days.


## JIRA Statistics:

13 new, 7 resolved



## Upcoming Project Initiatives:

- Work to reduce disparities between normalized activities and objects of like type collected from various data sources. 

- Work to reduce disparities between the configuration objects that initialize similar providers from various data sources.

- Drop remaining maven dependencies on java SDKs for accessing third-party HTTP APIs in favor of interfaces powered by Apache Juneau (incubating) Remoteable Annotations.

- Add official support for Schema.org and Activity Streams 2.0 data types.

- More tweets and blog posts of zeppelin notebooks demonstrating data pipelines and analyses based on Apache Streams.

- More official examples in source tree demonstrating integration of Apache Streams with complementary technologies.


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