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Meeting bi-weekly Sunday at 9:00 pm Beijing Time.


  • Meeting Minutes: English
  • Speaking: Chinese (if all the attendees are Chinese), English (if there is at least one non-chinese speaker ) 

Online Meeting (Tencent Meeting or VooV Meeting):

January 31st, 2021, Sunday.

Time: 2021-01-31 9:00 PM Beijing Time
Host: Zesong Sun

Status Updates


Apache IoTDB 0.11.2 released (01-23)

Notice: Prepare to release 0.11.3, and keep maintaining 0.11.x version for a while until v0.12.x is stable.

Currently, the main branch is serving for 0.12 and the version changes the TsFile format once again.

Though we will provide the upgrade tool, it is still a big decision for users to upgrade the version (as they need to upgrade existing data files).

Besides, even 0.12.0 will be released, we may need 1~2 versions (or more) to guarantee the version stable.


change release tags from release/{full-version} to v{full-version}

eg. release/0.11.2 to v0.11.2

Currently, we use release/{major}.{minor}.{patch} as our tag stale, which may bring some troubles for some languages like GoLang.

New Features

#2405 [IOTDB-1079] Virtual storage group first mile stone

Currently out concurrency unit is storage group which can't make full use of cpu cores when user only set 1 or 2 storage group. We need virtual storage group to improve concurrent performance. This PR finish first part of the design

#2488 Add DirectByteBufferPool for WAL

There are two problems in the process of current wal flushing.

Because wal uses FileChannel while flushing, it involves one more memory copy. FileChannel will copy the contents of HeapByteBuffer to DirectByteBuffer before calling native write method, and then call native write with DirectByteBuffer as a parameter, which will cause An extra memory copy operation.

Although 0.12 uses the thread pool to complete asynchronous flushing, to a certain extent, solves the problem of the surge of non-heap memory caused by the wal of 0.11, but when the non-heap memory is released is still depends on the jvm (depends on when gc is performed), jvm cannot know whether non-heap memory should be released in time, so it may also cause non-heap memory not be released in time, but we are clear about that.

So, I want to use DirectByteBufferPool to solve the above two questions.

#2184 [IOTDB-1081] New TsFile Format

The TsFile format version will update to V3.
It will be applied in the next major version (i.e., 0.12).
We find that the former tsfile format waste some disk space, some information was stored duplicately and some legacy fields are no longer useful.

#2603 Accelearate CI by split a CI into several parts

split the main-ci into 3 parts: server, cluster, and others
add two parameters to just test the server or the cluster, e.g.,
-DskipTests -Diotdb.test.only=true
-DskipTests -Dcluster.test.only=true
Split the main-ci into two github action groups to save resource when re-run some actions.
disable enforcer by default, to enable it, use -P enforce
disable generating jar-with-dependencies, to enable it, use -P get-jar-with-dependencies

Open Floor
new ideas, feedback, suggestions.

1. [Discussion] Monthly Contributor Award

Goal: Keep community more vibrant and attract new contributors
Attention: Not really an award, just a title that we can recognize with an announcement on the official wechat account
Preliminary measure:
Amount of PR and reviews on GitHub (codes amount)
Activity on mailing lists
Contributions(publicity, tutorial, etc.) on social media (e.g. WeChat official account, CSDN, Stack Overflow)
Being a conference host or event organizer will also count.

2. [Discussion] Community Mentors

Call for mentors and plans
Q & A docs
start up docs
Wechat group

Sign up : 45 people
To be as commiter : 17
Users needing professional help : 5
Both : 23

3. [Experiment] Compares to influxDB in terms of performance

Need to update to the website:

4. [Proposal] Hackthon (April)

1 committer + 3 non-committer

January 3rd, 2021, Sunday.

Time:  9:00 PM Beijing Time

Host:Xinyu Tan


Agenda: (put what you want to discuss in the meeting here before the meeting starts)

  1. review of the conclusions of 4rd meeting
    1. Call for community mentors
      1. all committers can be mentors(wechat group)
      2. Q & A docs, FAQ docs, start up docs.
      3. combine
      4. attract new contributors(wechat official accounts)
    2. About IoTDB publicity
      1. WeChat official account, Bilibili, Tiktok, aliyun(private account)
      2. video is uploaded in Bilibili
      3. self ask, self answer in StackOverFlow - ask jincheng
    3. compares to influx in terms of performance
      2. upgrade version 0.8.0→0.11.1 - xiangdong
      3. tsbs benchmark: timescaledb、influxdb
    4. preproduction site
      1. chinese ppt
      2. ApacheCon - use cases
      3. upgrade 2020 - xiangdong
    5. New committer introduction - qiaojialin(1.4-1.9)
      1. Houliang Qi
      2. Xinyu Tan
    6. the label coverage of PR - xiangdong
    7. announce of 0.11.2 (qiaojialin)
      1. WeChat official account 
    8. github robot - next meeting to be discussed(benedict, qiaojialin)
      2. Dependabot, Codecov, Imgbot,  PEP 8 Speaks, Labelbot,
      3. Hi,

        Thanks for letting us know so many good tools.

        I do not believe code changes by robots very much unless I read the code
        changes myself.
        But I also think having such tools can help us saving time.

        - Mergify: I do not like it. :( I think it is dangerous...

        - Dependabot: I like this tool. (But we'd better to have a full test, as
        some dependencies may lead to performance reduction when it fixes

        - Codecov: Well, if someone can set this up, I opt for it! I have spent
        more than 3 days to fix the coveralls... but failed. We need code coverage
        checking very much.

        - Imgbot: OK from my view, as we have few images in the repo.

        - Pull Request Size: OK from my view.

        - PEP 8 Speaks: I like it.

        Xiangdong Huang
        School of Software, Tsinghua University
    9. best contributor monthly- need discuss and proposal (zhouyurun)
      1. PR
      2. review
      3. mailing list
      4. WeChat official account
      5. doc
      6. event(activity)
      7. stackoverflow, csdn
    10. to be a committer - need discuss
      1. code
        1. PRs(xinyu)
        2. modules - fix significant bug(xinyu)
        3. can maintain a module(xiangdong)
          1. a clear impression of someone
      2. doc or others
      3. pingcap :
  2. code management by git flow:
    1. avoid pushing to the repository directly
    2. provide relatively detailed commit message.
    3. Do not force-update a commit if someone has reviewed your code
    4. use squash merge(whether need to disable directly-merge?)(xinyu Tan)
    5. list the reproduction procedure when reporting bugs
    6. detailed pr/issue title(is Chinese needed?)
  3. next host : 1.17 : suyurong


  • discuss1 (proposer): content
  • discuss2 (): ...

December 20th, 2020, Sunday.

Time:  9:00 PM Beijing Time

HostLingzhe Zhang


Agenda: (put what you want to discuss in the meeting here before the meeting starts.)

  1. review of the conclusions of 3rd meeting
    1. About meet up
    2. Call for community mentors
      1. waiting
    3. About IoTDB publicity
      1. WeChat official account, Bilibili, Tiktok, aliyun(private account)
      2. video is uploaded in Bilibili
      3. self ask, self answer in StackOverFlow - ask jincheng
  2. compares to influx in terms of performance
    2. upgrade version 0.8.0→0.11.1 - xiangdong
    3. tsbs benchmark: timescaledb、influxdb
  3. preproduction site
    1. chinese ppt
    2. ApacheCon - use cases
    3. upgrade 2020 - xiangdong
  4. interop with ML tools
    1. need roadmap - need discuss
    2. python client - suyurong
      1. doc
      2. readme
      3. use case
  5. New committer introduction - qiaojialin
    1. Houliang Qi
    2. Xinyu Tan
  6. the label coverage of PR - xiangdong
  7. github robot - next meeting to be discussed
  8. contributor weekly (qiaojialin) - need discuss
    1. all important contribution
    2. for all new contributor
  9. best contributor monthly (zhouyurun) - need discuss and proposal
    1. PR
    2. review
    3. mailing list
    4. WeChat official account 
    5. doc
    6. event(activity)
  10. announce of 0.11.1 (haonan)
    1. WeChat official account 
    2. or just announce 0.11.2 (qiaojialin)
      1. flush
  11. to be a committer - need discuss
    1. code
      1. PRs(xinyu)
      2. modules - fix significant bug(xinyu)
      3. can maintain a module(xiangdong)
        1. a clear impression of someone
    2. doc or others
  1. (5th presenter) next host
    1. tanxinyu,suyurong


  • discuss1 (proposer): content
  • discuss2 (): ...

December 6th, 2020, Sunday.

Time:  9:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Tencent Meeting or VooV Meeting:

Meeting ID: 335854726

HostXiangwei Wei



  1. About meet up
    We held the first Apache IoTDB offline meetup successfully in 29 November. We mainly talked about the experience of using IoTDB and the development of it. But as it's the first time, we have many aspects to improve.

    1. Add free talk
      In last meetup, the main activities we held were the lectures about IoTDB using and developing. We got a lot from these lectures. But the offline meetup is also a good chance to help community members get to know each other. So I think, we can add free talk in meetup, maybe academic or not, to offer this chance.

    2. Bring the summary of meetup back to community
      For various reasons, some friends in the community can't join meetup offline. Therefore, we need to record the meetup by video and doc, and share the summary of meetup to them by mailing list or IoTDB website.

  2. Community gift
    We plan to design some community themed little gifts for contributors who has contributions (code, doc or something else) to the community. At present, we have completed the design of mouse pad. Next, we can collect the personal information of the contributors to mail these gifts.

  3.    Call for community mentors
    We used to propagate IoTDB in many Chinese universities, and many students are interested in IoTDB. However, the development threshold of IoTDB may be difficult for some newcomers who have no development experience.
    So we think if some community members are familiar with some aspects of IoTDB and interested in developing new people. They can be community mentors to help these newcomers by explaining some code and introducing some simple issues etc.
    We can start an enrollment program to recruit mentors, and after that start a vote about whether they can be the mentors.

  4. About IoTDB publicity
    For a long time, due to the lack of special attention to publicity, the effect of IoTDB publicity is not good. This also leads to the lack of contributors and the unknown situation of IoTDB.
    Therefore, next we can try to put IoTDB's promotional materials, documents and conference videos like the meetup video on more platforms, like IoTDB website, WeChat official account, Bilibili or even Tiktok.

All records before Dec 6th, 2020, can be accessed here : (in Chinese)

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