Installing the Cloudify context adapter

ARIA currently supports IAAS integration via Cloudify-based plugins. Cloudify provides an adapter for ARIA, this adapter enables running any plugin written for Cloudify with ARIA.

To install the adapter:

git clone
pip install -r aria-extension-cloudify/requirements.txt
pip install aria-extension-cloudify

Installing the Openstack plugin wagon

In order to use a plugin with ARIA, you would first need to install it. ARIA supports the installing of plugins in .wgn (wagon) format. more on wagon could be found here.

So, in order to install the Openstack plugin, first locate the Openstack wagon here according to the distro you’ll be using, download it, and install it via:

aria plugins install <path_to_wagon>

Running the hello world example

The Openstack hello world example can be found here. The example requires some inputs which configure any related. You would want to create an inputs.yaml file that looks something like the snippet below (fill the blanks according to your openstack provider):


external_network_name: external
webserver_port: 8080
private_key_path: <local_keypath>
image: <image_name>
flavor: <flavor_name>


 "auth_url": <auth_url>
 "password": <password>
 "project_id": <project_id>
 "project_name": <project_name>
 "user_domain_name": <user_domain_name>
 "username": <user_name>


Once the inputs file is ready, all that remains is:

  1. In order to create a service template model representation, execute

    aria service-templates store <example_root>/openstack-helloworld.yaml <template_name>
  2. In order to create a service model representation, execute

    aria services create -t <template_name> <service_name> -i <inputs_path>
  3. In order to execute the install workflow, execute

    aria executions start install -s <service_name>
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