In this version the configuration can be done once by project without create Interceptor Stacks using constants.

Also using this constants, you can create custom Interceptor Stacks with diferent configurations, using paratemers.

1.5c version released (12/03/2008):
Bugs Fix + Multiple XML packages extend and super class targets for Hibernate Session Allowed

1.5b version released (10/24/2008):
Wildcards are allowed in target attribute

  • No labels


  1. Please put the source code in the svn tree; you cannot expect users to use a plugin if they cannot see the source code.

    Also, you can edit pages instead of creating new ones (wink)

  2. Hello, Philip.

     I'll put the source code at Google Code, ok?

    This page was my fail. I thought that I could delete News, but i can't! (big grin)

    Actually the true "New" is this one, that follows the news name default.

    If some moderator can delete the other "New" about this plugin, please do it. 

    Thank you.