Release phases

Code Freeze: Oct 10th, 2017  

Voting Date: Oct 17th, 2017

Release Date: Oct 23th, 2017

Required Tickets

Tickets that must be released because they either break the backward compatibility and shouldn't be released in minor versions or introduce significant improvements for Apache Ignite.

Such tickets have to be marked with label important.


key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured

Unresolved Tickets

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured

Resolved Tickets

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured

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