Module |
Included In Distro |
api |
assembly |
assembly-java-dsl |
assembly-xml |
assembly-xsd |
binding-atom |
binding-atom-abdera |
binding-corba |
binding-corba-runtime |
binding-dwr |
binding-ejb |
binding-ejb-runtime |
binding-feed |
binding-gdata |
binding-gdata-runtime |
binding-gdata2 |
binding-gdata2-runtime |
binding-http |
binding-http-runtime |
binding-jms |
binding-jms-policy |
binding-jms-runtime |
binding-jsonrpc |
binding-jsonrpc-runtime |
binding-notification |
binding-rmi |
binding-rmi-runtime |
binding-rss |
binding-rss-rome |
binding-sca |
binding-sca-axis2 |
binding-sca-corba |
binding-sca-jms |
binding-sca-xml |
binding-ws |
binding-ws-axis2 |
binding-ws-axis2-policy |
binding-ws-wsdlgen |
binding-ws-xml |
contribution |
contribution-groovy |
contribution-impl |
contribution-java |
contribution-jee |
contribution-namespace |
contribution-osgi |
contribution-resource |
contribution-updater |
contribution-updater-impl |
contribution-xml |
core |
core-databinding |
core-spi |
core-spring |
data-api |
databinding |
databinding-axiom |
databinding-fastinfoset |
databinding-jaxb |
databinding-jaxb-axiom |
databinding-job |
databinding-json |
databinding-saxon |
databinding-sdo |
databinding-sdo-axiom |
databinding-xmlbeans |
databinding-xstream |
data-engine-helper |
definitions |
definitions-xml |
domain-manager |
endpoint |
extensibility |
extensibility-equinox |
extensibility-osgi |
extension-helper |
host-corba |
host-corba-jee |
host-corba-jse |
host-corba-jse-tns |
host-ejb |
host-embedded |
host-http |
host-jetty |
host-openejb |
host-osgi |
host-rmi |
host-tomcat |
host-webapp |
host-webapp-junit |
implementation-bpel |
implementation-bpel-jbpm |
implementation-bpel-ode |
implementation-das |
implementation-data-api |
implementation-data-xml |
implementation-ejb |
implementation-java |
implementation-java-runtime |
implementation-java-xml |
implementation-jee |
implementation-node |
implementation-node-runtime |
implementation-notification |
implementation-openjpa |
implementation-osgi |
implementation-resource |
implementation-resource-runtime |
implementation-script |
implementation-spring |
implementation-web |
implementation-web-runtime |
implementation-widget |
implementation-widget-runtime |
implementation-xquery |
interface |
interface-java |
interface-java-jaxws |
interface-java-xml |
interface-wsdl |
interface-wsdl-xml |
monitor |
monitor-logging |
node-api |
node-dynamic |
node-impl |
node-launcher |
node-launcher-equinox |
node-launcher-osgi |
node-launcher-webapp |
node-manager |
osgi-runtime |
policy |
policy-logging |
policy-reliability |
policy-security |
policy-security-jsr250 |
policy-transaction |
policy-xml |
policy-xml-ws |
runtime |
runtime-2 |
runtime-standalone |
runtime-tomcat |
runtime-war |
sca-api |
scdl4j |
thirdparty-library |
tracing-aspect4j |
workspace |
workspace-impl |
workspace-xml |
xsd |
xsd-xml |
Command Line Samples
Sample |
ant run |
ant compile; ant run |
Comments and JIRAS |
binding-echo |
binding-echo-extension |
N/A |
binding-notification-broker |
binding-notification-consumer |
binding-notification-producer |
TUSCANY-3037 |
calculator |
SL |
calculator-corba-reference |
Not Complete - Excluded from distribution. |
calculator-corba-service |
Not Complete - Excluded from distribution. |
calculator-distributed |
N/A |
Although domain is generating strange non-QName names for which fail validation |
calculator-implementation-policies |
calculator-rmi-reference |
calculator-rmi-service |
calculator-script |
TUSCANY-3039 |
callback-ws-client |
callback-ws-service |
databinding-echo |
domain-management |
N/A |
feed-aggregator |
helloworld-bpel |
needs compile first, jar must be getting excluded |
helloworld-reference-jms |
helloworld-service-jms |
helloworld-ws-reference |
helloworld-ws-reference-jms |
helloworld-ws-reference-secure |
helloworld-ws-sdo |
helloworld-ws-service |
helloworld-ws-service-jms |
helloworld-ws-service-secure |
implementation-composite |
implementation-crud |
implementation-crud-extension |
N/A |
implementation-notification |
implementation-pojo |
implementation-pojo-extension |
N/A |
osgi-supplychain |
quote-xquery |
simple-bigbank |
simple-bigbank-spring |
simple-callback |
simple-callback-ws |
spring-bigbank-calculator |
spring-bigbank-checkaccount |
spring-bigbank-stockquote |
store |
store-distributed |
supplychain |
web-resource |
zipcode-jaxws |
bigbank |
Have to compile before run? |
bigbank-account |
N/A |
bigbank-calculator |
Have to compile before run? |
bigbank-stockquote |
Have to compile before run? |
mortgage-creditcheck |
Have to compile before run? |
mortgage-loadapproval |
Have to compile before run? |
xml-bigbank |
WebApp Samples
Sample |
Tomcat6 |
Tomcat5 |
WebSphere |
Geronimo |
Comments and JIRAS |
calculator-webapp |
calculator-ws-webapp |
chat-webapp |
chat2-webapp |
Excluded from distribution - TUSCANY-2692 |
feed-aggregator-webapp |
helloworld-dojo-webapp |
helloworld-jsonrpc-webapp |
helloworld-ws-sdo-webapp |
alert-aggregator-webapp |
Scenario |
Result |
Fruit Store |
Fruit Store merger |
Fruit Store as supplier |
Fruit Store solution provider |
Fruit Store mashup |
Eclipse Update Site
Scenario |
Result |
Install from update site |
Source distro build from repo artifacts
Has this run successfully
Java Security Build
Has this run successfully
Getting started with Tuscany
Update with the appropriate info.