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Fixing Errors

See also FrequentlyAskedQuestions.

    • Razor gives me errors about 'razor2 check skipped: Bad file descriptor Insecure dependency': RazorInsecureDependency
  • It doesn't run:
    • I get coredumps from 'spamd': SpamdCoredumps
    • After running sa-compile, I get warnings like 'symbol Mail_SpamAssassin_CompiledRegexps_body_0_scan17: referenced symbol not found': SaCompileRefSymbolError
    • I get warnings about "tainting" when I run spamassassin from /etc/procmailrc: ProcmailTaintWarning
    • On startup spamd dies with the error "IO::Socket::INET: Invalid argument": IoSocketInetInvalidArgument; or the message "Required module Storable not found!": StorableNotFound
    • I get warnings in the syslog from spamd about 'Bad arg length for Socket::pack_sockaddr_in, length is 0, should be 4': Ipv6Resolver
    • When I run 'spamassassin --lint', I see messages about '
       Net::Ident::_export_hooks() called too early to check prototype
      ': NetIdentPrototype
  • Warning messages in the system log:
    • I get warnings in the syslog from spamd like prefork: server reached --max-clients setting, consider raising it, but I can't find a --max-clients setting: MaxClientsWarning
    • I get warnings in the syslog from spamd about 'Can't call method "bgsend" on an undefined value': CantCallMethodBgsend
    • I see lots of warnings like ... matches null string many times in regex ... at ... Text/ TextWrapError
  • Performance & memory:
  • Filtering and labeling:
    • Spam to someone in 'all_spam_to' is also being delivered to other users, without filtering: AllSpamToNoFiltering
    • The subject and body of a message are correctly marked as spam, but the X-Spam-Status header says No: BogusSpamStatusHeader
    • A mail has enough points to be spam, but isn't marked as such: RoundingIssues
    • Spam messages are getting through, how do I determine which tests need to have their scores adjusted to match the messages? AdjustRuleScore
    • I'm seeing the rule ALL_TRUSTED giving spam negative points. What should I do?: FixingAllTrusted
    • I'm using OpenDNS and seeing SURBL or URIBL rules firing on non-spam: OpenDnsAndUribls
  • Customizing (or failure to customize):
    • I get errors about tying to a Bayes database when I copy it onto another machine, or after upgrading my Berkeley DB libraries: DbDumpAndLoad
    • I get 'Malformed UTF-8 character' errors on Red Hat 8/9, or using perl 5.8.0, with SA 2.43: RedHatMalformedUtf8
    • Upgrading to v3.0.0 I'm getting this error 'bayes db version 2 is not able to be used, aborting!': BayesUpgradeError
    • Performance on Red Hat 8/9/Fedora Core 1 is terrible, compared to other OSes: Utf8Performance


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