In the OFBiz Recruitment feature you can create job requisitions when you are looking for candidates to fill a position. The requisition identifies the skills, qualifications, experience and number of resources needed for a position. You can track job interviews of different types and align them to the requisition. You can post requisitions internally to track the status of applicants for a position.




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Recruitment

Usage: Use the Job Requisition screen to create a requisitions, search for an existing requisitions and view a list of requisitions. Selecting an requisition from the list opens the Edit Job Requisition screen.

Fields Search Options

  • Job Requisition Id - Unique identifier, generated automatically by the system, when the requisition is created.

  • Experience in months - A number (not text) for number of months experience desired for the position.

  • Experience in years - A number (not text) for number of years experience desired for the position.

  • Job Location - User defined text describing the location of the job.

  • Skill Type Id - Select one of the Skill Types from the Drop Down list.

  • Job Posting Type - Select one of the Job Types from the Drop Down list

  • Exam Type Enum Id - Select one of the Exam Types from the Drop Down list


  • New Job Requisition button: Click to open the screen to create a new Job Requisition.

  • Find button: Click for a list of requisitions. Displays a list of requisitions in the Search Results screenlet.




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Recruitment > Click the New Job Requisition Button

Usage - Create a New Job Requisition


  • Job Location - Enter text describing the location of the job.

  • Age - Enter desired age of applicant.

  • No Of Resources - Number of people required for this position. You can create an internal job posting for each required resource to an instance of the position.

  • Gender - Enter desired gender of applicant.

  • Duration Months

  • Qualification

  • Exam Type Enum Id - Select one of the Exam Types from the Drop Down list

  • Skill Type Id

  • Experience in months - Enter a number (not text) for number of months experience desired for the position.

  • Experience in years - Enter a number (not text) for number of years experience desired for the position.

  • Skill Type Id - Select one of the Skill Types from the Drop Down list.

  • Job Posting Type - Select one of the Job Types from the Drop Down list


  • Create button: Click to create a requisition.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Recruitment > Click the button In Search Results column Job Requisition Id

Usage - Update a requisition


  • Job Location - Enter text describing the location of the job.

  • Age -

  • No Of Resources - Number of people required for this position. You can create an internal job posting for each required resource to an instance of the position.

  • Gender

  • Duration Months

  • Qualification

  • Exam Type Enum Id - Select one of the Exam Types from the Drop Down list

  • Skill Type Id

  • Experience in months - Enter a number (not text) for number of months experience desired for the position.

  • Experience in years - Enter a number (not text) for number of years experience desired for the position.

  • Skill Type Id - Select one of the Skill Types from the Drop Down list.

  • Job Posting Type - Select one of the Job Types from the Drop Down list


  • Update button: Click to save changes to the requisition.

nternal Job Posting



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Recruitment > Click the button In Search Results column Apply

Usage - Create a Job Posting. A posting links a requisition to a position.


  • Application Date - Date application was submitted.

  • Approver Party - Party Id of application approver.

  • Job Requisition Id - The target requisition or the application.

Action Create button: Click to create the application.




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Recruitment > Click Internal Job Posting menu item

Usage - Use the Internal Job Applications screen to create a job posting, search for an existing posting and view a list of postings. Use Search Options to refine the search. Clicking the button in the Application Id column of the Search Results opens the Internal Job Posting screenlet for updating.


  • Application Id - System generated unique identifier for the application. May not be changed.

  • Application Date - Date the application was submitted.

  • Approver Party - Party Id of person approving the application.

  • Job Requisition Id - The target requisition or the application.

Action Update button: Click to save changes to a leave record.




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Recruitment > Click Internal Job Posting menu item > Click Job Interview menu item

Usage - Use the Job Review screen to create an interview, search for an existing interview and view a list of interviews. Use Search Options to refine the search. Click the button in the Job Interview Id column of the Search Results screenlet to open the Edit Job Interview screenlet.


  • Job Interview Id

  • Job Interviewee Party Id

  • Job Requisition Id

  • Job Interviewer Party Id

  • Job Interview Type Id

  • Grade Secured Enum Id

  • Job Interview Result

  • Job Interview Date


  • New Job Interview

  • Find

  • Job Interview Id



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Recruitment > Click Internal Job Posting menu item > Click Job Interview menu item > Click button New Job Interview

Usage - Create a new job interview.


  • Job Interviewee Party Id

  • Job Requisition Id

  • Job Interviewer Party Id

  • Job Interview Type Id

  • Grade Secured Enum Id

  • Job Interview Result

  • Job Interview Date

Action Create button: Click to create the an interview.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Recruitment > Click Internal Job Posting menu item > Click Find > Click the text In Search Results column Job Interview Id

Usage - Update a job interview.


  • Job Interview Id

  • Job Interviewee Party Id

  • Job Requisition Id

  • Job Interviewer Party Id

  • Job Interview Type Id

  • Grade Secured Enum Id

  • Job Interview Result

  • Job Interview Date

Action Update button:: Click to save changes to a Job Interview




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