The simplest way to try out ozone is to run via Docker. Apache publishes docker images of ozone to make it easy to try out ozone.
docker run -d -p 9878:9878 -p 9876:9876 apache/ozone
This is an all-in-one docker container which includes all the required Ozone service, but only one datanode.
You can check the web ui at http://localhost:9878
Or or you can use AWS client:
aws s3api --endpoint http://localhost:9878 create-bucket --bucket bucket1
As we have only one datanode we should use the REDUCED_REDUNDANCY storage class to upload a file (you don't need to use it in case of a real cluster with at least 3 datanodes)
date > /tmp/testfile aws s3 --endpoint http://localhost:9878 cp --storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY /tmp/testfile s3://bucket1/testfile
Run pseudo-cluster with multiple nodes
To run a real pseudo cluster, you need a docker-compose definition. Create a new directory and save the docker-compose config and definitions:
docker run apache/ozone cat docker-compose.yaml > docker-compose.yaml docker run apache/ozone cat docker-config > docker-config
Now you can start the a multi-node cluster
docker-compose up --scale datanode=3
At this point you have a running Ozone cluster with three data nodes. You can run standard Docker commands like ps to verify that you have running cluster.
You can ssh into one of the running containers and try out various commands.
docker-compose exec datanode bash
You can run the built-in load generator called freon to make sure that your cluster is fully functional.
ozone freon rk
The rk profile instructs freon to generate random keys , you can quit freon via CTRL-C any time.
Once you have seen how to run the cluster, you can explore by running more commands and when you are down shut down the docker cluster by running
docker-compose down
Thank you for trying out Ozone.