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The Tuscany Java SCA runtime supports Erlang using the <binding.erlang> SCDL extension. New Erlang based service can be provided using a <binding.erlang> element within a SCA <service>, existing Erlang object can be accessed using a <binding.erlang> element within a SCA <reference>.

Using Erlang binding

Basically SCA services can be exposed in two ways:

  • by Erlang RPC mechanism. In this case SCA component would act as Erlang module containing functions, based on components operations names.
  • by RPC realised using Erlang messaging. In this case for every operation named Erlang message box would be created - name of the box will correspond to operation name. After receiving message from Erlang node appropriate components operation will be invoked and result would be sent back to sender.

Similarly, SCA references can access Erlang modules in two ways:

  • using RPC mechanism. In this case SCA reference would be mapped to remote Erlang functions module, each operation would correspond to different function, basing on its name.
  • by RPC realised using Erlang messaging. In this case invoking operation on reference would cause sending Erlang message to named Erlang process - name would be the same as operation name. If operation has return value then return message will be expected.

Binding configuration

Binding configuration can take several attributes:

  • node - name of the local (service side) or remote (reference side) Erlang node. Erlang node names are unique within single machine. Tuscany creates separate Erlang node for each service binding, so remember to provide unique node name for every service binding.
  • module - specifies name of the module mapped to SCA component/reference. When using this attribute you can't use mbox="true" attribute.
  • mbox - specifies whether binding would be realised using messaging based RPC ("true") or built-in Erlang RPC ("false"). Default (no value specified) is "false". When using mbox="true" you can't use module attribute.
  • cookie - (optional) authentication token. Communicating nodes should have the same cookies. You can also provide cookie in .erlang.cookie file in users home directory (it's originally supported by Jinterface).
  • timeout - (optional) specifies timeout (in milliseconds) for inactive connections. Timeouts will be disabled if attribute value is 0 or not provided.
  • serviceThreadPool - (optional) for service side bindings only. Specifies maximum number of threads which will be handling clients. Default value is 20.
Service configuration samples

Following sample exposes component as Erlang module named "HelloModule". Modules functions would be the same as in service interface - helloworld.HelloWorld. Node which will host this module will be named "HelloNodeModule".

<service name="HelloWorldService">

    < interface="helloworld.HelloWorld"/>

    <tuscany:binding.erlang node="HelloNodeModule" module="HelloModule"/>


Following sample exposes component as several message boxes - each box will correspond to each component operation. Node which will host those message boxes will be named "HelloNodeMbox".
Additional attributes are used:

  • cookie for authentication purposes - "secret string"
  • timeout (1 second) for disconnecting hanging clients
  • number of thread handling clients (serviceThreadPool attribute) is set to 10.
<service name="HelloWorldService">

    < interface="helloworld.HelloWorld"/>

    <tuscany:binding.erlang node="HelloNodeMbox" mbox="true" cookie="secret string" timeout="1000" serviceThreadPool="10"/>

Reference configuration samples

Following sample uses remote Erlang module as reference. Configuration points to module named "HelloModule", hosted on "HelloNodeModule".
Additional attributes are used:

  • cookie for authentication purposes - "secret string"
  • timeout (1 second) for quitting from hanging server
<reference name="helloWorldReference">

    <tuscany:binding.erlang node="HelloNodeModule" module="HelloModule" cookie="secret string" timeout="1000"/>


Following sample uses remote Erlang message boxes in RPC style. Message boxes with names the same as reference operations are available on "HelloNodeMbox".

<reference name="helloWorldReference">

    <tuscany:binding.erlang node="HelloNodeMbox" mbox="true"/>



Following table describes mapping used between Java and Erlang types.

Java type

Erlang type

byte, short, char, int, long

number - Erlang does not distinguish numbers size

float, double

Double - Erlang does not distinguish floating numbers size


Array of characters

String annotated with @ErlangAtom (package




User defined class with pubic no argument constructor and public fields of type from this table.


Atoms sample

public interface SomeInterface {

  // Returns user defined class - tuple
  TupleClass operation1();

  // Returns list of characters and takes list of characters as an argument
  String operation2(String argument);

  // Returns atom and takes atom as an argument
  String operation3(@ErlangAtom String argument);

  // Returns list of atoms
  String[] operation4();


// Java class represents tuple which contains atom and list of characters.
public class TupleClass {

  public String atom;

  public String notAtom;


Tuples sample

Following interface:

public class TupleClass1 {

  public long field1;
  public TupleClass2 field2;


public class TupleClass2 {

  public long field1;
  public double field2;


will correspond to live tuple structure (using Erlang notation):

{10, {10, 0.9}}

Details of message based RPC communication

RPC based on messaging uses messages for requests and responses.

  • For service bindings incoming messages should contain SCA operation arguments, formed in tuple. Operation result will be send in return message.
  • For reference bindings Tuscany creates message with content depending on attributes passed to reference operation. If reference operation has return value defined then Tuscany will wait for reply from remote process.

In Erlang messaging it's common technique for sender to provide it's PID at the beginning - it allows recipient to respond. In Tuscany every Erlang message is a tuple which contains operation arguments. This tuple is wrapped with tuple with PID.

Service side example

For service defined by following interface:

public String operation(long arg1, @ErlangTuple arg2);

expected Erlang message is (sample using Erlang notation):

{SomePid, {10, AtomValue}

After receiving such formed message Tuscany is able to process it correctly, invoke SCA operation and send reply to PID provided as first element of outer tuple.

Reference side example

For reference interface defined as:

public String operation(long arg1, @ErlangTuple arg2);

executing it with following arguments:

obj.operation(10, "AtomValue");

will make Tuscany to convert input arguments to Erlang tuple (using Erlang notation):

{10, AtomValue}

and again wrapped with tuple PID as follows (using Erlang notation):

{SomePid, {10, AtomValue}}

In this example Erlang message box would receive message and know PID for reply.

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