Bug Reference





Add Remote Access VPN support for VPC.


Requirement: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/nTier+Apps+2.0+Requirements

Item 2.9

Admin Guide for VPN in general: http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/en-US/Apache_CloudStack/4.2.0/html/Admin_Guide/vpn.html

The admin guide need to be updated reflect the feature support of VPC.

Feature Specifications

  • It would use VPC's source NAT ip address as VPN entrance.
  • The VPN user would able to access the whole VPC, but still under ACL control.
  • There would be no firewall setting for VPN in VPC.
  • Supported on all hypervisors.

Use cases

1. User click VPC's IP list
2. User choose VPC's source nat IP
3. User click "Enable VPN"
4. Others are the same as remote access VPN of isolated network

Architecture and Design description

  • Add "vpc_id" fields in the DB remote_access_vpn table.

Web Services APIs

No change, since CloudStack can tell if VPN is enabled on VPC owned IP or isolate network owned IP.

UI flow

Refer to "Use cases"

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