We're no longer supporting the file based server, so this documentation has been removed.

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  1. Section, using ace ... 2nd paragraph.
    -The auditlog exceptions are somewhat annoying, prevents the user from seeing what is happening, deployment of his stuff or doing a ps and observing a new bundle has been installed. How can we fix this?

    3rd paragraph. Defining clear steps would be helpful:

    1. Start the server
    2. Start a gateway target
    3. Create a version directory (anywhere), should comply with: deploymentpackage version e.g. 1.0.0
    4. Copy your bundle-to-be-deployed into the 1.0.0 version directory. Suggestion: use /core/lib/servicebased.host-1.0.0.jar. Once deployed a UI will popup.
    5. Next, find the store directory in the server
    6. Create a <gatewayId> directory in the store-dir: in this case /configuredGatewayID
    7. Copy the entire version directory, 1.0.0 with the containing jar into /configuredGatewayID
    8. Optionally check the available version with your browser, see http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ACE/Communication+Gateway+and+Server
    9. That's it! Notice the gatewaytarget has started your bundle.
    1. Thanks for the feedback, Jorg!

      • Filed these auditlog exceptions as ACE-35 because they are indeed not very informative.
      • Updated the documentation to use the suggested steps to further clarify the process.