Apache Airavata

Please follow End User Manual for exact steps to follow. Visit gateway https://testdrive.airavata.org/pga/public/ for user creation.

In Airavata PGA (PHP Gateway for Airavata) there are several functions available for a default gateway user. You could;

  1. Create User Account
    1. A new user needs to create an account. All you projects and experiments will be stored in here

  2. Create Project
    1. Project is used to group experiments launched by you.
    2. Gateway has a default project created for those who want to go straight away to launching experiment !

  3. Create Experiment
    1. To submit a job into a compute resource available in the gateway you nee to create and launch an experiment.
    2. Here all mandatory fields will be marked with *
    3. You need to select a project, an application, input files and parameters, preferred compute resource, etc...

  4. Monitor Experiment
    1. Once the experiment is created and launched you can monitor the progress of it through 'Experiment Summary' page
    2. In the summary page you would also see available actions on a particular experiment

  5. There are few other features available for a gateway user and all the information on them are available in gateway End User Manual.
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