


Implement 'Quick Fix' capability in reports



Basic plugin support for working with artifact content within managed repositories.



UI for management of repository scanning tasks, per managed repository.



JMX for system monitoring



Plugin to adjust pom <repositories> and <pluginRepositories> sections to point to Archiva installation.



Report on <licenses> sections within pom's.



Report on available archetypes



Report on available plugins



Report on poms that reference external content



Provide search for artifacts based on Artifact bytecode SHA1 hashcodes.



WebStart GUI application for repository management. (discovery / upload)



(same) WebStart application for Local artifact discovery and deployment.



(same) WebStart application Repository conversion. (local to managed, and legacy to default)



Basic workflow foundation.



Workflow for artifact migration.



Workflow for artifact bundle upload / promotion / deployment.



Workflow for Group Relocation



SLP / BonJour facilities.



Auto discovery of other Archiva instances (for clustering?)



Auto discovery of Archiva instance by Maven client for auto configuration reasons.



Dynamic artifact serving layer (DASL).



Serve M1 content via DASL



Serve M2 content via DASL



Create (DASL) service for yum so that a request to http://archiva.company.com/yum/commons-lang-2.1.rpm would create an rpm on the server side, cache it, and then serve it out to the user that requests it.



Create (DASL) service for apt (similar in scope to yum DASL above)



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