With the invaluable help of Gavin [insert much kowtowing and genuflecting here] and the infra team, the Axis project is now plugging away... but with a few loose ends still to tie. In particular we really need to get our new website happening, and a few last tricky SVN bits from WS need to find a home. We also need to get modernized and finish hooking up the whole Hudson/Nexus framework for our builds. That said, we're rolling along fine for now.

Activity on the new mailing lists is picking up on both the C and Java sides now that people have gotten used to the switch from WS. Development activity has also ramped up, with a number of people diving in to our long JIRA backlog.

We added a bunch of stragglers from the WS project to our PMC, and settled on a policy where committership == PMC membership, which we think should create a greater feeling of ownership on the part of our committers going forward.

No releases this month, nor any other particulars that require board attention. I believe this is our final monthly report as a newly minted TLP, and we now switch over to quarterly.

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