Samples in Axis2 distribution

There are three samples in the Axis2 svn and distribution

java_first_jaxws - Starting from Java with no WSDL (stand alone war)
jaxws-calculator - Starting with code generated from a WSDL (generates an aar that can be dropped into any Axis2 installation)
jaxws-samples - Echo, Ping, MTOM samples (stand alone WAR, with JSP pages to test).

Please see the README for each sample on how to run it.

Adding JAXWS support to your own web apps

  • Copy snippets from web.xml
  • Make sure your JAXWS / JWS annotatated classes are in WEB-INF/classes
  • Drop axis2.xml into WEB-INF/ directory

That's it!

Deployment options

  • Create a stand alone WAR with (with JAXWS annotated classes inside WEB-INF/classes)
  • Create a jar (with JAXWS annotated classes and wsdl's/xsd's) and drop it into servicejars folder (if you are using axis2 war)
  • DEPRECATED create an aar with a services.xml (with JAXWS Message Receiver)

Known Issues


We have not run the Stand alone JAXWS 2.1 TCK. So Axis2 team does not claim any compliance with the specification. Additional information, Previous Axis2 version 1.3 is bundled inside Geronimo and Websphere Feature Pack. Geronimo team runs the J2EE TCK before they release.


Advanced Samples inside our test suite


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