Release BOM

bigtop 1.0.0 stack includes the following components
	bigtop_groovy             2.3.8
	bigtop_jsvc              1.0.15
	bigtop_tomcat            6.0.36
	bigtop_utils              1.0.0
	crunch                   0.10.0
	datafu                    1.0.0
	flume                     1.5.2
	giraph                    1.1.0
	hadoop                    2.6.0
	hbase                   0.98.12
	hive                      1.0.0
	hue                       3.8.1
	ignite_hadoop             1.2.0
	mahout                   0.10.0
	oozie                     4.0.1
	phoenix                   4.3.1
	pig                      0.14.0
	solr                      4.9.0
	spark                     1.3.1
	sqoop                     1.4.5
	sqoop2                   1.99.4
	tachyon                   0.6.0
	tez                       0.6.0
	zookeeper                 3.4.6

Release note

On behalf of the Apache Bigtop team, I'd love to announce the general
availability of the Bigtop 1.0.0 release (the website is being updated right

A few notable new features in this release include:
    * based on the stable Hadoop 2.6.0
    * Ignite data fabric 1.2.0 with its Hadoop accelerator
    * Spark 1.3.1
    * HBase 0.98.12
    * latest version of Phoenix, the Apache HBase SQL layer project
    * a number of new components are added: Kafka, YCSB, Kite are among them
    * toolchain is updated to the latest versions of the development tools
    * standard docker containers are available for builds, testing, and alike
    * a huge UX improvement in the deployment is made for unattended cluster
      deployment and/or testing
    * and many upgrades to the latest versions for the ecosystem projects
      (Mahout, Solr, Giraph, etc.)

It is the rock-solid release of the Apache Bigdata platform with close to 350
bugs fixed and new features added over the span of 10 months.

Deploying Bigtop is easy: grab the repo/list file for your favorite Linux
and you'll be running your very own bigdata cluster in no time!

I also want to express the gratitude to the project contributors - everyone in
the community who made this release possible!

  Cos (Bigtop 1.0.0 RM)

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