Intellij Setup

Install and prepare IntelliJ

Checkout BookKeeper repo

Create IntelliJ workspace

  • Open Intellij and import the bookkeeper's root pom file (File -> Import Project)


BookKeeper uses maven as its build system. Basic commands are listed as below (assume in root directory of your <bookkeeper.project.dir>):

  • Build all the components without running tests

    $ mvn clean package -DskipTests
  • Build all the components and run all the tests

    $ mvn clean package
  • Build a single component

    $ mvn clean install -DskipTests // as bookkeeper is using shade plugin. shade only run when packaging so pre-install the dependencies.
    $ mvn -pl :<module-name> package [-DskipTests] // example: mvn-pl :bookkeeper-server package
  • Test a single class

    $ mvn clean install -DskipTests // as bookkeeper is using shade plugin. shade only run when packaging so pre-install the dependencies.
    $ mvn -pl :<module-name> clean test -Dtest=<test-class-name>







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