Date, Time & Location

UTC time 1600 hrs - Pending
Meeting space -
Backup meeting space -  TBA

Attendees (Add your cwiki or guest name below)

This event is open to all committers and guests


The meeting is yours to discuss whatever you want to. Aim to discuss with 'each other' as 
in others subscribed to the builds@ mailing list, from your project or from other projects.

There will also be Infra representation for infra related discussion items. I'd like to be clear 
though, this is an informal meeting arranged for the benefit of individuals and projects to 
talk about anything they like in relation to the ASF Build services and related integrations,
and is not a projects vs infra panel discussion.

Topics of interest

Add here anything you would like a chance to talk about this week.

Action Items from last meetingMoved to next meeting
Current Status of CI at the ASFGavin McDonaldMoved to next meeting
TravisGavin McDonald Moved to next meeting
Other Artifactory Integrations (Azure , Jenkins etc)Gavin McDonald Moved to next meeting
Quick CloudStack introPaul Angus 

Stats :

Meeting Notes

Questions for Pauls presentation:

aw: can download a broken vm instance
  - pa: assuming using NFS primary storage, the easiest way would be to copy the actual qcow2 file.  All hosts in the cluster would have the primary NFS store mounted, so it would be easy to get to.

jp: backend hardware
  - pa:  if it can run CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 20.04 it can be used.  Clusters of hardware should be alike for live migrations to work.

gm: datadog or other integrations, no but Prometheus, Nagios, etc 

gm: plugins or fully featured? varies, k8s cluster feature.

gm: email during maintenance?

  - pa: Not for maintenace, alerts are sent to defined Infra emails or end users.

gm: release schedule - major release twice a year.

Action Items

Next Meeting

Planned for last Thursday on May: