Blog from June, 2010

The Camel Riders are growing their ranks again after only a few short months. We are pleasantly surprised ourselves with the growth of our community the increased interest in Camel and the quantity and quality of contributions. As a result we want to welcome as committers two Christians who stuck with us and consistently helped out.

Christian Schneider was actually involved with Camel for more than two years. I still remember working with him on of one of the first efforts he drove to eliminate the circular dependencies in Camel and cleanup the architecture. As a CXF expert and committer Christian Schneider will also be a great addition to the team.

Christian Mueller has been around Camel for quite some time too and has contributed new components and helped with non trivial tasks and fixes. His contributions are of outstanding quality and got Willem "tired of applying them".

On behalf of the Camel PMC, welcome aboard and we expect more great things coming from you!

Camel 1.6.3 Released

The older Camel 1.x is still in use and very stable but a few issues have been fixed over the past six months since the last release. Therefore we thought appropriate to issue a new 1.6.3 maintenance release which comes with 39 issues resolved (see release notes) such as:

  • Use UTF-8 as the default charset
  • Locale independent upper case in Getter/Setter introspection
  • Backport per message priority and expiration from 2.x in JMS
  • Fix for sending to wrong address in the Mail component
  • Fix for asynchronous processing in DLC endpoint breaking message handling
  • OSGi related fixes
  • Fix multithreading bug that caused getBody() to sporadically return null
  • Fixes in the CXF, File, XSLT, JDBC, JPA components

Many thanks to all who contributed and all of you who entrust our Camel to haul your messages.