Blog from November, 2011

Apache Camel 2.8.3 Released

The Camel PMC is glad to announce the availability of Apache Camel 2.8.3.
This release resolved over 60 JIRA issues (mostly bugs) reported by users.

The release is available to Download from Apache, and as well from Central Maven repo.
For the release notes we suggest to take a look at the current in-progress release notes for the Camel 2.8.3 release

The Camel PMC is glad to announce the availability of Apache Camel 2.9.0-RC1.
This is only a release candidate for version 2.9, so we don't recommend adoption into production systems.

Due to some larger changes like core API refactorings, Spring dependency changes,
rewritten simple expression language, etc, we decided it would be good to provide a early
copy of version 2.9 so our users could try it out and report problems before they actually upgrade.

Please try it out and let us know if you have any issues (or if you think it's great)
and we'll make sure they are addressed in the full 2.9 release.

The release is available to Download from Apache, and as well from Central Maven repo.
For the release notes we suggest to take a look at the current in-progress release notes for the Camel 2.9.0 release

Today Ioannis Cannellos joined the Camel Riders as the newest committer.

Ioannis has been very busy in the past months, with a lot of contributions to the project, in particular two new components, camel-jclouds and camel-krati. You may also bump into him on the mailing lists where he's helping out.

Ioannis is not new to the ASF, he's already a committer on two other projects often used in conjunction with Camel: Karaf and Servicemix. His expertise is a great addition to our team.

On behalf of the Camel PMC, Ioannis, welcome aboard!