Blog from January, 2012

The Camel PMC just issued a new patch release: Apache Camel 2.8.4.
This release includes almost 90 bug fixes and comes about eight weeks after the previous patch release on the camel-2.8.x branch.

The artifacts are now published and are ready for you to download them from the Apache mirrors or from the Central Maven repository.
For more details please take a look at the release notes.

Many thanks to the Camel community and all contributors who's time and efforts made this release possible.

Today the Camel PMC voted another one of the very active and talented contributors to become a committer.

Babak Vahdat was actively involved with Apache Camel for about ten month contributing code and helping other users. In the past two months his activity reached a new level. Babak proactively improved our code base, provided patches for broken builds and tested our new releases. In recognition of his work, the PMC only had to take care of the simple task of making that official. Stay tuned for his first official commit. (smile)

On behalf of the Camel PMC, Babak, welcome aboard!

The Camel PMC is glad to announce the availability of Apache Camel 2.7.5.
This release resolved 44 JIRA issues (mostly bugs) reported by users.

The release is available to Download from Apache, and as well from Central Maven repo.
For the release notes we suggest to take a look at the release notes for the Camel 2.7.5 release.

Camel 2.7.5 is the last planned 2.7.x release and we stop maintaining this branch. You will may see a Camel 2.7.6 version if we need an really urgent patch (e.g. for a security vulnerability), but this is really unlikely.

The Camel Riders didn't want to close 2011 without one more release, the awaited camel-2.9.0. After a few last minute fixes we are glad to announce that Apache Camel 2.9.0 was officially released yesterday, hours before many champagne bottles were opened. The 2.9.0 release comes with another record 497 issues resolved, but this is not surprising as the community continues to grow and we lengthened the release cycle for minor releases.

The artifacts are now available in the Maven Central Repository and the official distribution is available for download from the Apache site and its mirrors. The new features, improvements and fixes are too many to mention here, so please check the release notes for details.

Many thanks to all the contributors. We wish you a happy and prosperous 2012!