Blog from March, 2012

The Camel PMC made available a new patch release: Apache Camel 2.9.1.
This release includes 109 bug fixes and comes about eight weeks after the release of camel-2.9.0.

The artifacts are now published and are ready for you to download either from the Apache mirrors or from the Central Maven repository.
For more details please take a look at the release notes.

Many thanks to the Camel community for making this release possible.

Two days ago the Camel PMC voted another one of the very active and talented contributors to become a committer.

Bilgin Ibryam was actively involved with Apache Camel for about 6 month contributing code and helping other users. Bilgin proactively assigned reported issues to himself and took them to resolution acting as a committer. He is already a committer for the Apache OFBiz project and know how Apache works. In recognition of his work, the PMC only had to take care of the simple task of making that official. Today, Bilgin got his committer account setup, concluding the process of becoming the newest Camel rider. Stay tuned for his first official commit. (wink)

On behalf of the Camel PMC, welcome aboard Bilgin and keep up the great work!