The DateField is a killer control in SF Click and its is a real problem not having it in Apache Click, to the point I know of one person who wont upgrade because this control is not present. We need to figure out some method of making this easily available to people.

The LGPL license of JS Calendar means it cannot be include in the distribution. However we could modify the build script, so that there is an additional target which will prompts the user to accept the LGPL license terms, and then downloads the library and bundles it up as a separate JAR, which auto deploys the resources into /click directory.

I presume we will need to run this pass the Incubation sponsors to see if this concept will fly.

JS Calendar Replacements

Potential JS Calendar replacements are listed below. The advantage of using a replacement calendar is that there is no developer build step required (which is a pretty big advantage). However one issue with these widgets is their large size 150-250KB.

YUI Calendar

One contender is YUI Calendar which has a BSD license.

This widget unfortunately has quite large dependencies 250KB.

The Interval Selection calendar is quite impressive.

There appears to be no time support.

jQuery DatePicker

Another contender is jQuery DatePicker which has a MIT and LGPL license.

The restrict date range looks very handy, there are lots of display options, including multiple month displays

This widget unfortunately has quite large dependencies 155.58 kb, minimised

There appears to be no time support.


Another option is CalendarDateSelect which has a MIT license.

This control has time support, but has a JS dependency on the prototype library which could potentially impact JS code using the jquery library.

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