

CloudStack lacks a native 2FA authentication mechanism wherein users would be asked required to put in some code or do some kind of challenge as part of authentication. 2FA or two-factor authentication is a two-step authentication wherein a user needs to first enter their credentials and then be asked some kind of token as 2nd step. A user is only allowed access to CloudStack when both credentials and 2FA token are correct.


Document History

1.0Rohit Yadav



Feature Specifications

  • Implement a general-purpose 2FA framework that works on the principle of a secondary token to be provided by the user.
    • Add an optional token API parameter as part of the login API. This is checked/enforced by backend depending on if 2FA is enabled and enforced for a user-account.
  • The framework should allow plugins that can be enabled granularly on user/account level, or enforced (both 2FA enabled and 2fA plugin) at global/domain level by the root admin.
  • Implement two general-purpose 2FA plugins:
    • Google Authenticator: token to be generated by Google or other TOTP (time-based OTP) 2FA authenticator apps
    • Static PIN: user sets up this 4 or 6 digit PIN
  • Future: 
    • Operators use the 2FA framework to implement custom plugins - say using sms or email OTP
  • The 2FA plugins will have both backend and UI components/counterparts
  • Explore if 2FA can be supported by cmk as well (at least with username/password login)

Use cases

Allow an extra layer of security for users and environments that want to user or enforce 2FA.

Architecture and Design description

  • Implement the feature in framework-plugin model. The feature is enabled by default.
  • Allow users to select 2FA plugin/option in UI when it's not strictly enforced by root admin.
  • Allow creation of new user/accounts with 2FA enabled/enforced (say on first login?).
  • 2FA to be linked with a user (not account).
  • Workflow:
    • Setup:
      • Root admin can enforce 2fA with specific plugin on global/domain level
      • Users click on button to enable 2FA, if root admin allows permission they can select plugin too otherwise they get whatever the admin has configured.
      • Depending on the plugin, say the TOTP/authenticator app, they're show forms/views to setup 2FA.
      • Once confirmed, 2fA is enabled and enforced for the user.
      • If 2FA is enforced by admin, then for a user who hasn't configured it - a form opens up upon log-in to remind the user to configure and enable it.
    • Auth:
      • User enters username, password, domain
      • User is asked for 2FA token if 2FA is enforced and enabled for the user; for TOTP and PIN based plugins they can be sent to backend API directly as part of the login request
      • Upon success they're taken to the url/dashboard, otherwise the session is invalidated with clear message show
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