

In CloudStack, we have features like Alerts and Events that helps administrator in managing the cloud. Admin can get a list of Alerts and Events but there is no way to control them i.e delete or archive them.

This feature will provide the functionality to delete or archive the Alerts/Events. In this way admin can get more controls over the Alerts and Events and manage them to get required and useful information. CloudStack admin can manage them by using the APIs or through CloudStack UI. This is a functional specification of feature "Ability to delete/archive Events and Alerts" which has Jira ID CLOUDSTACK-874


Use Cases

  • Root-Admin selects one or multiple Alerts and remove/archive them.
  • Root-Admin selects one or multiple Events and remove/archive them.
  • Domain-Admin selects one or multiple Events and remove/archive them.
  • Normal User selects one or multiple Events and remove/archive them.

Feature Specifications

  • Requirements
    • Able to select one or more alerts/events and delete them using API or UI
    • Able to archive the selected alerts/events instead of delete – archive will not show them on the UI/listed via API, but will still be maintained in the DB (for auditing/compliance purposes)
    • Ability to delete alerts by a time period
    • Ability to delete alerts by a “category”?
    • Introduce “alert.purge.delay” – alerts older than specified number of days will be purged. Value set to 0 to never purge events automatically (there already exists an “event purge delay” global config 
  • Non-requirements
    • List archived alerts/events via UI/API
  • Configuration
    • There are two global configuration parameter:
      • alert.purge.delay - alerts older than specified number of days will be purged. Value set to 0 to never purge alerts automatically.
      • alert.purge.interval -  interval (in seconds) to wait before running the alert purge thread. Value set to 86400 equals to one day.
  • User permission
    • Root-Admin would have privilege to delete or archive the Alerts.
    • Root-Admin, Domain-Admin, Normal User would have privilege to delete or archive their respective Events. 
  • Upgrade scenario
    • CS creates a new column archived of Boolean type in alert and event tables and fill the column with default value 0 i.e. false.

Architecture and Design description

Delete or Archive Alerts

DB schema changes:

Existing schema changes

  • Add archived field to alert table

New client APIs


Request parameters

Response parameters

Available to regular user


  • ids           (can pass one or more IDs separated by comma)
  • type         (string alert types)
  • startdate  (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • enddate   (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • true/false



  • ids(can pass one or more IDs separated by comma)
  • type
  • startdate  (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • enddate   (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • true/false


In the above mentioned APIs, id, type, startdate and enddate are optional parameters but while calling the APIs atleast id, type, enddate is required. If user pass startdate, then enddate need to be passed i.e enddate becomes required parameter if user passes startdate parameter.  Admin can pass one or multiple ids of alert to delete/archive them as per the requirement or if admin wants to delete/archive all the alerts of a particular category then admin needs to pass only type parameter along with type value. If admin wants to delete/archive alerts between some time period then admin needs to pass both startdate and enddate parameter, if admin wants to delete alerts older then some time then only enddate required to pass along with the API. If admin passes any combination of parameters then CloudStack will fetch the alerts from database depends on the parameters and delete/archive only those alerts which satisfy this criteria.

Demo Alerts API calls:

New classes for client APIs


Changes to Existing Files: 

  • New methods in to delete and archive alerts.
  • New components in ManagementService.
  • New methods in to search required alerts

Delete or Archive Events

DB schema changes:

Existing schema changes

  • Add archived field to event table

New client APIs


Request parameters

Response parameters

Available to regular user


  •  ids           (can pass one or more IDs seperated by comma)
  • type          (string)
  • startdate   (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • enddate    (yyyy-mm-dd)
  •  true/false



  •  ids           (can pass one or more IDs seperated by comma)
  • type          (string)
  • startdate   (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • enddate    (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • true/false


The APIs deleteEvents and archiveEvents will perform in the similar manner as of deleteAlerts and archiveAlerts.

Demo events API calls:

New classes for client APIs


Changes to Existing Files:

  • New methods in to delete and archive events.
  • New components in ManagementService.
  • New methods in EventDaoImpl to search and archive/delete events.

Logging and Debugging

All logs will go to management-server.log

Current limitations

UI flow

To be decided.

  • No labels