CloudStack North America Collaboration Conference 2013!

  • CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2013 is being held from 23 June to 25 June in Santa Clara, CA at the Santa Clara Convention Center.
  • Register now as spots are limited! It's important to join in our yearly conference to learn and truly collaborate with the community in person. This year we are including a "Hack Day", where collaboration will be happening in a real time!
  • Are you ready to share your CloudStack vision? See the Call for Proposals if you're interested in speaking. Proposals close on May 12th.
  • We are still looking for Conference Sponsors! Have your company be part of this great event. Contact Nancy Asche at (407) 601-6228 or for more details on how to get involved.

Major Discussions

Several major discussions this week, summarized below. Note that this is only a fraction of the activity in the project. For a full overview of project activity, you may want to subscribe to

4.1.0 Update

4.1.0 vote is currently on hold pending two bugs. CLOUDSTACK-2309 reported on May 2. Also CLOUDSTACK-2218 has been reopened. Both are unassigned and need someone to jump in quickly to help move these forward.

Security Mailing List

To better help communicate about security related matters, announce security concerns, and determine additional security needs for CloudStack, a new mailing list is being setup. You can subscribe by e-mailing

CloudStack Planet - Posts from the CloudStack Community

Upcoming Events

  • Geneva, Switzerland Meet-up Geneva, May 14th, 7pm.
  • Build a Cloud Day CloudCon San Francisco being held at the South San Francisco Conference Center on 15 May.
  • Linux Tag Berlin, May 22-25, Sebastien Goasguen will talk about CloudStack and Big Data. There will also be a CloudStack booth at the expo.
  • Bucarest JUG May 30th, Sebastien Goasguen will talk about CloudStack and Big Data. Announcement yet to be posted.
  • Open Cloud Day in Zurich, June 11th. Sebastien Goasguen will talk about the Apache Cloud ecosystem.
  • Build a Cloud Day Paris Paris, June 19th.
  • ShapeBlue CloudStack BootCamp being held June 22/23 at the Santa Clara Convention Center.
  • CloudStack San Francisco Users Group Event being held at SAP Labs in Palo Alto CA. on June 27th. Contact Karen Vuong for more details.

If you have an event you wanted added here, please send to the or see how to contribute to the news below.

Jira Updates

Checking in on the upcoming 4.2.0 release, we have removed a few bugs over the past week:

Last week we had 11 blocker bugs for 4.2.0. We had no new blocker bugs for 4.2.0 this week.
Last week we had 40 critical bugs for 4.2.0. This week, we have 38 critical bugs for 4.2.0, closing 2 more out.
Last week we had 273 major bugs for 4.2.0. This week, we have 254 major bugs for 4.2.0, closing 19 out.
Last week we had 37 minor bugs for 4.2.0. This week we have 28 minor bugs for 4.2.0, closing 9 out.

30 bugs in the last week closed out. This progress is a community win for everyone!

New Committers and PMC Members

Clayton Weise was announced as a new committer on April 30, 2013. Congratulations!

Contributing to the Weekly News

Want to keep reading the CloudStack Weekly News? Many hands make light work, but having only one editor means getting the weekly news out every week is a "best effort" activity. A healthy community publication needs several contributors to ensure weekly issues go out on time.

If you have an event, discussion, or other item to contribute to the Weekly News, you can add it directly to the wiki by editing the issue you want your item to appear in. (The next week's issue is created before the current issue is published - so at any time there should be at least one issue ready to edit.)

Alternatively, you can send a note to the mailing list with a subject including NEWS: description of topic or email the newsletter editor directly (jzb at, again with the subject NEWS: description of topic. Please include a link to the discussion in the mailing list archive or Web page with details of the event, etc.

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