12:02:23 PM chipc: hey guys - were we going to have a meeting today?

12:02:39 PM chipc: and if so, anybody have a meetbot ready to go?

12:02:49 PM kdamage: That's what I was wondering

12:05:27 PM ke4qqq: *has no meetbot*

12:05:47 PM chipc: ok - so who's actually around besides kdamage and ke4qqq (and myself)?

12:06:21 PM chipc: bueller… bueller… bueller...

12:06:29 PM ke4qqq: topcloud just joined so I assume he is

12:07:12 PM chipc: ok, let's do an informal discussion then...

12:07:14 PM chipc: well I've got nothing significant to discuss

12:07:18 PM chipc: kdamage?

12:07:32 PM kdamage: Nothing here

12:07:39 PM chipc: ke4qqq?

12:07:53 PM ke4qqq: nothing here really

12:08:10 PM chipc: Noah and serverchief1 are listed as inactive / away…  speak up if you have something folks

12:08:15 PM chipc: topcloud: anything?

12:09:18 PM chipc: assuming nothing, since he didn't reply to ke4qqq

12:09:22 PM chipc: or above

12:09:34 PM chipc: u-ichi: anything to share?

12:10:56 PM chipc: last but not least, widodh: anything to share?

12:11:21 PM topcloud: sorry....staring at the wrong channel

12:11:58 PM chipc: well we've basically got only a couple of people around and nothing to talk about

12:12:06 PM chipc: so you have ke4qqq, kdamage and myself

12:12:13 PM chipc: topcloud: do you have anything?

12:12:22 PM chipc: otherwise, let's just say that this was fun ;-)

12:12:31 PM topcloud: i have been spending sometime editing the wiki pages.

12:13:05 PM topcloud: so i want to propose that we make use of the page tree functions in confluence.

12:13:14 PM topcloud: makes it much easier to just add and have it appear.

12:13:25 PM topcloud: for example, if you look at the top page in cwiki for cloudstack.

12:13:38 PM topcloud: look under the Information heading.

12:13:45 PM topcloud: that makes use of that widget

12:14:00 PM chipc: I'm with you…  a good wiki has a good page hiearchy

12:14:11 PM topcloud: but need to come up with the appropriate top level pages.

12:14:19 PM topcloud: so i was thinking of maybe something like this.

12:14:36 PM topcloud: breaking it down by who the reader may be.

12:14:52 PM topcloud: something like for end users, for operators, for developers, for qa, etc.

12:15:11 PM kdamage: Oops, on behalf of John and myself, we are still trying to get movement on custom page templates and themes for the wiki

12:15:43 PM topcloud: kdamage: cool....i just submitted a request for me to be added as admin to cloudstack space.

12:15:50 PM topcloud: do you have admin privilege?

12:15:51 PM chipc: kdamage: tough uphill battle sometimes

12:15:54 PM topcloud: any one?

12:16:03 PM topcloud: have admin prvilege to our space?

12:16:04 PM kdamage: No priv here

12:16:06 PM ke4qqq: topcloud: I think I can get you space admin privs

12:16:27 PM topcloud: what I really would like is to make use of this.

12:16:28 PM topcloud: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Styling+Tabs+in+Confluence

12:16:46 PM topcloud: and the top level pages i was talking about are really tabs.

12:17:07 PM topcloud: but apparently using the styling tabls require admin privilege

12:17:22 PM kdamage: If you get admin, see if that lets you load page template themes

12:17:57 PM topcloud: anyways I think this is much easier to edit the wiki than actually inserting links.

12:18:10 PM ke4qqq: topcloud: what is your wiki username

12:18:14 PM topcloud: topcloud

jsm [~jmartin@c-98-204-40-79.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] entered the room. (12:18:19 PM)

12:18:41 PM topcloud: the bug id i filed is INFRA-5681

12:19:04 PM topcloud: ke4qqq: if you can look into INFRA-5655

12:19:05 PM ke4qqq: ok - I've added space admin privs

12:19:18 PM topcloud: ke4qqq: thx!

12:19:19 PM jsm: is the meeting over yet?  i've a question to ask.

12:19:37 PM topcloud: jsm: i extended it just enough for you to ask your question. :)

12:20:26 PM jsm: great, what is the proper way to get the ssvm and cpvms built?

12:20:48 PM jsm: i've seen at least 3 different ways to do it, and just want a consensus

12:21:42 PM jsm: i'm building devcloud from scratch, i don't think it makes sense to download ssvms and cpvms from an outside source… they should be built.

12:21:55 PM ke4qqq: topcloud: i don't have jira karma great enough to handle 5655

12:22:35 PM topcloud: ke4qqq: ok...thx

12:23:03 PM kdamage: jsm: Not sure if there's anyone here who can answer that

12:23:31 PM chipc: jsm: ping edison on the list

12:23:46 PM jsm: chipc: will do, thanks

12:24:05 PM chipc: ok, let's call this the meeting then…  no meetbot, but I'll post the log

12:24:09 PM chipc: cheers

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