11:17:51 <jzb> #startmeeting
11:17:51 <cs-meeting> Meeting started Wed Nov 21 11:17:51 2012 UTC. The chair is jzb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
11:17:51 <cs-meeting> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
11:17:58 <topcloud> happy thanksgiving to those in the us.
11:18:16 <jzb> #chair Animesh bhaisaab chipc ke4qqq mrkite noe stevefd topcloud u-ichi
11:18:16 <cs-meeting> Current chairs: Animesh bhaisaab chipc jzb ke4qqq mrkite noe stevefd topcloud u-ichi
11:18:25 <jzb> topcloud: thank you, the same to you
11:18:41 <jzb> I'm guessing today will be light since it's pre-holiday
11:18:44 <jzb> but let's get started
11:19:04 <jzb> I see a few new nicks in the channel, so a few reminders
11:19:12 <jzb> we will go around the room in alpha order by nick
11:19:24 <jzb> if you have anything to discuss or report, please be ready
11:19:40 <jzb> if you don't, please speak up when I call you so we can move quickly
11:20:08 <jzb> I'll wait a minute or two and move on if you don't say anything - but if you're lurking, it goes quicker if you just tell us to move on. (smile)
11:20:19 <Animesh> Hello friends just wanted to announce that I recently joined Citrix to help with Cloudstack community
11:20:39 <jzb> The meeting is for discussions - if we have any decisions that need to be taken, that happens on the list.
11:20:53 <jzb> (Mailing list)
11:20:58 <jzb> welcome aboard Animesh
11:21:04 <jzb> OK - let's get started.
11:21:20 <jzb> Animesh: you're at the top of the list, anything to discuss or report?
11:21:54 <Animesh> Well I would send out a mail on mailing list for upcoming 4.1 release dates
11:22:12 <topcloud> animesh: the meeting time is at utc. set your outlook calendar accordingly. fyi.
11:22:23 <jzb> Animesh: we already have a thread on that
11:22:23 <chipc> Animesh - release dates in what sense?
11:22:47 <Animesh> Well when do we plan on code freeze etc
11:23:05 <Animesh> Yes I will continue on the same therad
11:23:09 <jzb> Animesh: http://markmail.org/thread/rijc347b2qcbtvlm
11:23:11 <topcloud> isn't that already settled?
11:23:17 <chipc> #link http://markmail.org/message/jbggevh2pgdx3ilk
11:23:19 <jzb> #link http://markmail.org/thread/rijc347b2qcbtvlm
11:23:23 <topcloud> chip sent something out already.
11:23:35 <topcloud> man...you guys are fast at finding these emails.
11:23:41 <chipc> Animesh: you may not have been on the list at that poing
11:23:44 <jzb> topcloud: MarkMail is your friend (smile)
11:24:05 * jzb thanks ke4qqq for pointing out MarkMail
11:24:23 <Animesh> Oh ok then I will read it
11:24:23 <topcloud> jzb: gotta learn it....I was trying to find something at the apache mailing archive, and it's never up.
11:24:50 <Animesh> we can proceed I need some catchup on list looks like
11:25:06 <jzb> topcloud: I like the search on MarkMail better - you might want to file an Infra ticket if you're seeing a lot of downtime for the archive, though.
11:25:22 <jzb> I know they get a report on downtime, but if it's chronic it might be good to file a ticket.
11:25:27 <jzb> Animesh: OK, thanks!
11:25:51 <jzb> Animesh: if you have any questions I'd search the archive first but don't hesitate to ask in #cloudstack-dev
11:25:55 <jzb> or on the list
11:26:09 <jzb> Moving on...
11:26:17 <jzb> bhaisaab: are you about today?
11:26:44 * jzb remembers a little late that he's set to away.
11:27:08 <jzb> I'll move on, we can circle back if necessary
11:27:14 <jzb> chipc: anything to discuss or report?
11:27:28 <chipc> I merged and delted the junit-tests branch
11:27:36 <chipc> and refactored some API module tests
11:28:09 <chipc> cobertura is actually easy to use, as in - you don't have to install a thing… just run mvn cobertura:cobertura
11:28:23 <chipc> and ke4qqq is looking at turning it on on builds.a.o
11:28:44 <jzb> #link http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/
11:28:59 <chipc> last (and related to schedule) I'll be emailing the list Mon / Tues with the first weekly schedule reminder for 4.1
11:29:03 <chipc> EOF
11:29:13 <jzb> fantastic - thanks chipc
11:29:39 <jzb> #action chipc emailing -dev early next week with the first weekly schedule reminder for 4.1.0-incubating
11:30:01 <jzb> OK, that brings us to… me
11:30:23 <jzb> I still owe a discussion about docs for the -dev list per last week's meeting
11:30:28 <jzb> so I'll start that shortly.
11:31:04 <jzb> Working on 4.0.1-incubating. I will be doing some triage and cherry-picking/merging bug fixes out of the list we have already.
11:31:18 <jzb> Also will put up on the wiki the process that's being used per the mailing list discussion.
11:31:44 <jzb> Will try to make some good progress tonight and this weekend on that. Next week will be a bit hairy with the confernece.
11:31:54 <chipc> jzb: you good with the process bits so far (not necessarily the jira part)? Any questions you need help with?
11:32:17 <chipc> jzb: btw - you need to add a key to the KEYS file
11:32:24 <jzb> chipc: I think so - but I'll poke my head into -dev if I need assistance.
11:32:35 <jzb> I also have ke4qqq on speed dial. I know he appreciates frequent phone calls.
11:32:40 <chipc> ha
11:32:42 <jzb> chipc: OK, will do
11:33:12 <jzb> #action jzb add key to keys file
11:33:12 <jzb> chipc: that reminds me
11:33:16 <jzb> Everybody attending the conference next week
11:33:25 <jzb> we're doing key signing on Sunday
11:33:29 <jzb> so - come prepared.
11:33:45 <chipc> yeah - ke4qqq or I should send out a "what to bring" email
11:33:47 <jzb> it would be great if we get a lot of participation in that.
11:33:51 <jzb> chipc: yes, please
11:34:08 <jzb> chipc: I confess, I am not as avid a user of GPG as I should be.
11:34:27 <chipc> ke4qqq: you there? do you want to take that action?
11:34:51 <chipc> I'm happy to if he's not about
11:34:56 <jzb> OK. Let's find out
11:35:01 <jzb> That's all for me.
11:35:12 <jzb> ke4qqq: are you about? Anything to discuss or report this week?
11:35:45 <chipc> #action chipc to email the list with instructions for the key signing party at the collab conf
11:36:12 <jzb> thanks chipc
11:36:18 <jzb> OK, I'll move on.
11:36:32 <jzb> noe: anything to discuss or report?
11:36:37 <noe> nope!
11:36:43 <noe> well, sorry for being abssent
11:36:48 * ke4qqq has nothing - sorry for my tardiness
11:36:48 <jzb> noe: thanks for the speedy response
11:36:50 <noe> life etc (smile)
11:36:58 <noe> ill be making more time for apache soon
11:37:05 <topcloud> jzb: are we going to talk about the releases at the collab?
11:37:06 <jzb> noe: I've heard of those. Thought about getting one, but they seemed inconvenient.
11:37:16 <noe> if there's anything that needs specific mentor help feel free to nudge me on irc, email, twitter, whatever
11:37:29 <noe> by specific i just mean, if you want a response - more than happy to jump into it
11:37:32 <chipc> noe: thanks… I think we're actually looking good right now
11:37:34 <noe> just been massively distracted (smile)
11:37:36 <noe> chipc: cool
11:37:46 <jzb> topcloud: I suspect they'll come up. (smile)
11:37:59 <jzb> topcloud: did you mean anything specifically?
11:38:06 <ke4qqq> noe: the only thing I can think of is the stuff going through ipclearance
11:38:10 <ke4qqq> the tests that is
11:38:20 <noe> ke4qqq: yep! thats at the front of my mind
11:38:26 <noe> lets get that sorted asap!
11:38:29 <topcloud> jzb: just announcing the release roadmaps for 4.0.1 and 4.1.0
11:38:35 <noe> how is the project looking post release?
11:38:44 <noe> did the community take to itwell?
11:38:59 <ke4qqq> noe: uptake (anecdotally) seems to be pretty good
11:39:17 <noe> cool. did we see a surge in new people on user@?
11:39:19 <jzb> topcloud: I believe that will be talked about yes
11:39:34 <topcloud> noe: what does other communities do to gauge that?
11:39:41 <noe> topcloud: not sure!
11:39:57 <noe> topcloud: mostly you have to just gather it by being embedded
11:40:01 <noe> (which i haven't recently obviously)
11:40:18 <chipc> noe: no major uptick… looking at markmail: http://markmail.org/search/?q=list%3Aorg.apache.incubator.cloudstack-users
11:40:19 <ke4qqq> noe: yes, but not sure that we have measured it - I should send a mail to users-list and see what rate of change has been
11:40:48 <noe> ke4qqq: cool - figured there might've been a noticeable change
11:40:54 <chipc> notes that I was being specific about user email traffic
11:41:13 <ke4qqq> new people, but not necessarily a uptick in traffic
11:41:17 <noe> cool
11:41:18 <chipc> right
11:41:25 <noe> shame there's no way to really measure downloads
11:41:43 <noe> we could perhaps add tracking to our download page itself
11:41:45 <chipc> not with the mirroring setup, nope
11:41:56 <noe> in fact google analytics lets you pin an "action' to clicking on specific links
11:41:59 <topcloud> yeah...i was just going to ask. do we measure downloads? another measure would be incoming bugs on 4.0?
11:42:14 <jzb> topcloud: if bugs are a measure, I think we're doing quite well
11:42:18 <noe> there's no way to track actual downloads - but we could possible set up analytics on the download page
11:42:32 <topcloud> how about facbook likes? he he
11:42:44 <noe> do we control the twitter account yet?
11:42:52 <noe> (i dont think we did when i checked the last time)
11:42:54 <jzb> noe: when you get a chance to go back through the archives, we had a discussion about setting up Piwik to do analytics.
11:43:01 <noe> jzb: ach cool
11:43:04 <noe> *ah
11:43:18 <noe> it would be good if a few committers had access to the twitter account if they wanted it
11:43:27 <noe> twitter is a good promotion/support tool (obvs)
11:43:41 <noe> (this might already be in place)
11:43:52 <topcloud> sounds like we have an action item to setup feedback channels?
11:43:59 <chipc> ke4qqq and jzb already have rights, right?
11:44:08 <chipc> topcloud: feedback or metrics?
11:44:15 <noe> both perhaps
11:44:19 <topcloud> both
11:44:37 <chipc> for feedback, what beyond the user list and Jira are you thinking about?
11:44:42 <jzb> chipc: that's correct - but we don't really get any metrics
11:44:45 <noe> twitter is the primary one
11:44:56 <topcloud> i agree on twitter.
11:45:23 <noe> it would be good to have a group of people who monitor for mentions and people saying "cloudstack" etc to reply or retweet stuff
11:45:33 <noe> if its a team of people then it doesn't have to be onerous
11:46:12 <ke4qqq> such a group exists informally - or at least it's obvious to me that they do - chip, rohit, jzb, and I
11:46:21 <ke4qqq> maybe more
11:46:42 <noe> doesn't need to be formal. i would just suggest we advertise it to committers
11:47:08 <jzb> OK
11:47:19 <jzb> noe: anything else?
11:47:22 <noe> nope!
11:47:28 <jzb> groovy. Thanks!
11:47:36 <jzb> #chair serverchief1
11:47:36 <cs-meeting> Current chairs: Animesh bhaisaab chipc jzb ke4qqq mrkite noe serverchief1 stevefd topcloud u-ichi
11:47:39 <serverchief1> 1) Hi folks, just wanted to follow up on CS support on VMWare Distributed Virtual Switch, we would like to make use of our 80+ hypervisor infrastructure running vSphere 5, however, since no dVs is supported at the moment, we have to create separate small clusters - and our deployment is very small scale.. it was mentioned to be included in 4.1, but i havent seen anything on it yet
11:47:39 <serverchief1> 2) Jessica Wang recently released lots of UI fixes that will benefit CS4.0 community, are we planning to release an update and if so - when? can we use jenkins non-oss builds in the meantime and does it include those fixes?
11:47:39 <serverchief1> 3) S3 like offering and CS4.0 - is it supported and if so what S3 like offering can we use?
11:48:19 <serverchief1> if we can tackle one at a time(smile)
11:48:44 <chipc> ok, so for 4.1 specifically - we have a schedule set
11:48:59 <ke4qqq> 4.0.1 has a schedule too
11:49:08 <chipc> so for your point 1 - I'm not aware of someone actively working on this (topcloud, are you?)
11:49:24 <ke4qqq> there was a thread recently on what fixes need to be in 4.0.1 - you should comment on that thread IMO.
11:49:31 <topcloud> checking.
11:49:32 <chipc> ke4qqq: yes, sorry - indeed it does
11:50:13 <chipc> ok - so then perhaps we see if topcloud gets back with an answer, but it would be good to ask again on the dev list serverchief1
11:51:38 <serverchief1> for point 1?
11:51:38 <topcloud> serverchief1: I'll reply on the list. this meeting is too early for the west coast folks so I don't have anyone to ask at themoment.
11:51:39 <chipc> point 2 - do you know if these are bug fixes or feature changes?
11:51:39 <serverchief1> bug fixes
11:51:39 <topcloud> as for pt2, I think this is actually a good test of our process?
11:51:39 <chipc> serverchief1: yes, I was talking about point 1 (DVS)
11:51:39 <chipc> topcloud: indeed
11:51:46 <topcloud> for users to indicate whether a bug should be backported to a certain release.
11:52:14 <ke4qqq> noe: I just looked at historical data - looks like 50% increase in subscription to -users in last 45 days.
11:52:19 <chipc> serverchief1: can you mention what bug ID's you would like to see added to the 4.0.1 bug-fix release (hopefully on list) so that jzb is able to evaluate the impact?
11:52:30 <noe> sweet! 50% increase in subscription rate?
11:52:34 <serverchief1> ok.. i will take that on.. i will go through a list of UI fixes and ask on the cloudstack-dev list to include those in 4.0,1
11:52:40 <noe> or 50% increase in members?
11:52:41 <jzb> ke4qqq: really?
11:52:46 <chipc> serverchief: thanks
11:52:48 <serverchief1> our ask jzb
11:52:49 <jzb> that's fantastic
11:53:14 <chipc> serverchief1: as for point 3, can you be more specific?
11:53:15 <ke4qqq> noe: yeah - yep 336 ~45 days ago - 484 as of a few minutes ago.
11:53:24 <noe> cool!
11:53:40 <serverchief1> yeah.. we want use S3 like in house
11:53:59 <serverchief1> curious if we have support for it in CS
11:54:04 <topcloud> serverchief1: this is the actual s3?
11:54:15 <topcloud> serverchief1: not just object store?
11:54:18 <ke4qqq> there is S3 API support in the AWSAPI module
11:54:49 <topcloud> serverchief1: and you want to use it as a replacement for secondary storage in cloudstack?
11:55:12 <serverchief1> yes, and also for devs to use S3 object store
11:55:40 <topcloud> there is a spec from someone from basho to add s3.
11:55:45 <topcloud> but it's not in 4.0.
11:56:22 <serverchief1> i c.. i guess in the meantime i will deploy swift or something similar for dev object aotre
11:56:24 <serverchief1> store*
11:56:36 <serverchief1> and will wait for 4.1
11:56:40 <topcloud> yes....swift is supported in 4.0.
11:56:47 <ke4qqq> topcloud: can't you backend the S3 AWSAPI stufff with essentially any storage? and then just have folks use that api interface as their 'object storage'
11:57:14 <topcloud> that is the plan for edison's storage rearch.
11:57:38 <ke4qqq> hmmm I thought that just worked already.
11:57:57 <topcloud> no....the backend for s3 api is done for nfs.
11:58:08 <ke4qqq> ahhh so you can use nfs, but nothing else
11:58:09 <topcloud> but then cloudstack itself has not been changed to use s3 api.
11:58:17 <topcloud> there's two parts.
11:58:25 <topcloud> one is different backends to the s3 api.
11:58:36 <topcloud> the second part is for cloudstack to use s3 api.
11:59:10 <topcloud> nfs is done for the first part but other backends are being added.
11:59:23 <topcloud> the second part itself is not in 4.0
11:59:34 <jzb> topcloud: I imagine Edison will be talking about this at the conference?
12:00:00 <serverchief1> i c
12:00:01 <serverchief1> #action serverchief - review list of UI bug fixes and ask for inclusion on 4.0.1 - if possible
12:00:01 <topcloud> jzb: he better be.
12:00:18 <chipc> topcloud: ha
12:00:46 <jzb> Just a reminder - the plan is to record all the talks, so we'll try to ensure that if folks can't make it, they can watch the recordings.
12:00:49 <jzb> or refer to them after.
12:00:52 <topcloud> serverchief1: I think the process is to add a task to the bug with the fix release 4.0.1 as the targetted release.
12:01:13 <jzb> topcloud: correct
12:01:15 <serverchief1> so within the bug it self
12:01:18 <serverchief1> ok
12:01:34 <serverchief1> even if its resolved?
12:01:38 <jzb> are any special Jira permissions needed for that?
12:01:56 <serverchief1> i'm under impression - resolved = closed
12:02:00 <topcloud> not sure but if you need it serverchief1, please email the list.
12:02:06 <chipc> serverchief1: resolved != closed
12:02:37 <chipc> give it a shot, and see if it works… if not (as topcloud said), raise the flag on list
12:02:44 <serverchief1> ok.. thats it for me.. thank you
12:02:49 <jzb> serverchief1: thanks!
12:03:01 <topcloud> we haven't document the procedure yet as it was only settled upon yesterday. We'll try to get something on the wiki to explain how this works.
12:03:03 <jzb> stevefd: anything to discuss or report?
12:03:17 <jzb> topcloud: yes. I'll get that up shortly.
12:03:26 <topcloud> jzb: txh!
12:03:28 <jzb> I think I actioned myself with that.
12:03:30 <topcloud> thx!
12:03:34 * jzb scrolls up
12:03:52 <jzb> I did not
12:04:31 <jzb> #action jzb document 4.0.1 procedure on wiki as settled on -dev list by Friday this week (11/23)
12:04:51 <jzb> OK, moving on
12:04:59 <jzb> topcloud: anything to discuss or report?
12:05:09 <topcloud> happy holidays?
12:05:13 <topcloud> none from me.
12:05:28 <chipc> topcloud: thanks for updating the list about the javelin work
12:05:38 <jzb> topcloud: holiday cheer and brief. Excellent. Thanks topcloud
12:05:40 <ke4qqq> indeed - greatly appreciated
12:05:42 <chipc> good update, and it helped to understand the state of the code
12:06:03 <topcloud> serverchief1: the reply i get is dvs support is planned for 4.1.
12:06:40 * bhaisaab am am here, late
12:06:41 <serverchief1> topcloud: thanks - if there is a code to test - i would like to try it out - i will also try to backport it on my own
12:07:02 <serverchief1> when is 4.0.1 and 4.1 planned release dates?
12:07:06 <jzb> bhaisaab: welcome, we'll circle back after we get through everyone else.
12:07:57 <bhaisaab> sure thanks
12:08:21 <chipc> serverchief1: 4.1.0-incubating will start the voting process in March
12:08:33 <jzb> serverchief1: all things go as planned, 4.0.1 will freeze 11/30, test until 12/8 and vote called on 12/8
12:09:21 <jzb> so - 12/15 if all goes smoothly. Sometime after that if not.
12:09:42 <jzb> u-ichi: anything to discuss or report?
12:09:55 <serverchief1> thank you jzb, chipc and topcloud
12:10:40 <jzb> OK
12:10:43 <jzb> moving on
12:11:01 <topcloud> serverchief1: np...hope to see you often on the list and mtgs
12:11:01 <jzb> bhaisaab: it's all on you. Anything to discuss or report?
12:11:04 <bhaisaab> thanks
12:11:30 <bhaisaab> to report custom devcloud for foss.in which will happen around the same time as collab
12:11:34 <bhaisaab> http://people.apache.org/~bhaisaab/meetups/foss.in/
12:11:48 <bhaisaab> and lastly, cli is out there give it a try
12:11:58 <bhaisaab> http://rohityadav.in/logs/cloudmonkey/
12:12:01 <bhaisaab> am done
12:12:11 <jzb> bhaisaab: why custom for FOSS.in?
12:12:17 <bhaisaab> oh about foss.in, will post an email on ml
12:12:25 <jzb> is it up-to-date? Any reason not to offer this for everybody?
12:12:40 <ke4qqq> or is it devcloud for 4.0?
12:12:47 <bhaisaab> jzb: we are doinga session on devcloud and internet may not be avaiable
12:12:50 <ke4qqq> 4.0.0-incubating?
12:13:12 <jzb> bhaisaab: right. but I mean - would it be usable by the general public outside of FOSS.in?
12:13:16 <jzb> any reason to only use it there?
12:13:17 <bhaisaab> the source code is 4.0 release patched so it won't require mvn, prepolulated deps
12:13:31 <bhaisaab> jzb: no just for the devcloud hack session in foss.in
12:13:41 <bhaisaab> are we doing an in collab
12:14:00 <bhaisaab> ke4qqq: yes
12:14:12 <bhaisaab> ke4qqq: http://people.apache.org/~bhaisaab/meetups/foss.in/incubator-cloudstack-4.0-patched-foss-in-2012.zip
12:14:31 <ke4qqq> there are lots of conferences that don't have good net access - so maybe it would be beneficial for all
12:14:55 <bhaisaab> jzb: yes, it becomes difficult for master as it's all mvn now
12:15:13 <bhaisaab> though there is way, prepoluated ~/.m2 and mvn -o for offline
12:15:17 <jzb> indeed
12:15:59 <jzb> bhaisaab: anything else?
12:16:04 <bhaisaab> lastly, if you're following the ml, I have troubles with new devcloud image with nat and host-only, does not work
12:16:21 <bhaisaab> will keep you updated in case I can get it working; keep trying to create on your side as well
12:16:28 <bhaisaab> jzb: okay done
12:16:57 <jzb> bhaisaab: great - thanks!
12:17:12 <jzb> Thanks everybody - we kept it under 1 hour!
12:17:20 <topcloud> bb
12:17:40 <jzb> If you're celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope you have a great holiday tomorrow.
12:17:45 <jzb> If not, have a great Thursday.
12:17:51 <jzb> See you all next week.
12:17:55 <jzb> #endmeeting

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