#cloudstack-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by jzb at 17:00:29 UTC. The full logs are available at: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+Meeting+9+January+2013+Log

Meeting summary

  • LINK: 4.1.0's 7 issues: http://markmail.org/thread/nu4f6tphsnsv7ls6
    (jzb, 17:21:00)
  • LINK: Do not retroactively change upgrade files
    http://markmail.org/thread/dpao2zhz566hkns7 (jzb, 17:25:08)
  • ACTION: : chip to get the test code donation discussion onto the dev
    list (chipc, 17:50:12)
  • ACTION: ke4qqq to remind the community about feature quality
    expectations prior to master branch merge (chipc, 18:28:07)
  • ACTION: sudhap to email out QA meeting minutes (chipc, 18:28:17)
  • ACTION: vogxn follow up with infra on moving our CI to builds.a.o
    still pending on me (jzb, 18:34:43)

Meeting ended at 18:37:45 UTC.

Action Items

  • : chip to get the test code donation discussion onto the dev list
  • ke4qqq to remind the community about feature quality expectations
    prior to master branch merge
  • sudhap to email out QA meeting minutes
  • vogxn follow up with infra on moving our CI to builds.a.o still
    pending on me

Action Items, by person

  • ke4qqq
  • ke4qqq to remind the community about feature quality expectations
    prior to master branch merge
  • sudhap
  • sudhap to email out QA meeting minutes
  • vogxn
  • vogxn follow up with infra on moving our CI to builds.a.o still
    pending on me
  • : chip to get the test code donation discussion onto the dev list

People Present (lines said)

  • jzb (118)
  • chipc (57)
  • ke4qqq (47)
  • Noah (31)
  • topcloud (26)
  • vogxn (21)
  • serverchief1 (21)
  • sudhap (20)
  • noaresare (15)
  • Animesh (10)
  • widodh (10)
  • cs-meeting (8)
  • sebgoa (7)
  • kdamage (5)
  • edison_cs (5)
  • mmartinz (3)
  • kdamage_ (1)
  • bhaisaab (0)
  • pyr (0)
  • mkochco (0)
  • u-ichi (0)

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